New National Curriculum 2014 Website

The History Subject Expert Advisory group on the new National Curriculum 2014 have constructed a new website. The purpose of the site is to offer support to teachers and teacher educators to plan for the implementation of the 2014 history National Curriculum. It aims to clarify the changes that the new National Curriculum introduces as well as similarities with the outgoing Curriculum. For instance, schools may be keen know that they can retain some of the post-1066 topics which they currently teach.
The importance of pupils gaining ‘big pictures' of the past is explained as a guiding principle for teaching and learning in history. Other examples of what good history teaching looks like are included with links to exemplars from recent Ofsted reports on the subject.
The site offers support with curriculum planning formats and auditing guidance with a clear message that planning should be driven by the aims and purposes of the National Curriculum rather than being led primarily by content considerations. There are some suggestions for historical enquiry based approaches to planning
with advice on what could be taught in which year group. The site also has sections on assessment and progression across the Key Stages with links to resources which teachers may find helpful.
The Expert Groups Advisory Group [ESAG] has their own website where you can find out more about what the History Subject Expert Group, and other groups, is up to.