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  • Beyond the classroom: developing student teachers' work with museums and historic sites

    Working visits to historical sites for the purposes of developing pupils’ historical understanding can be extremely useful. As part of their training, student teachers need to acquire understanding and skills in the planning and management of worthwhile ‘fieldwork’. This work can be very powerful indeed if it emerges from co-operation...
    Beyond the classroom: developing student teachers' work with museums and historic sites
  • History's big picture in three dimensions

    More and more historians, from diverse political viewpoints, are now expressing concern at the fragmentation of history, especially in the schools curriculum. The fragmentation of the subject has followed upon the collapse of sundry Grand Narratives, such as the ‘March of Progress', which once swept all of history into a...
    History's big picture in three dimensions
  • The Historian 33

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    3 Feature: The Ending of a Myth: The Fall of Singapore, 1942, Joseph Kennedy 9 Update: The Conservative Party and British Politics 1902-40, Stuart Ball 12 Education Forum: The Job of an Archives Education Officer, Mary Mills  28 Spotlight: Sheffield
    The Historian 33
  • The Historian 54: The handing back of Hong Kong

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    Featured articles: Handing back Hong Kong: 1945 and 1997 - Andrew Whitfield (Read article) Elizabeth I - Susan Doran Western Dress and Ambivelence in the South Pacific - Michael Sturma (Read article) The Middle East in WWII and the British Co-operation with the Zionist Agency - Nicholas Hammond Painted Advertisements...
    The Historian 54: The handing back of Hong Kong
  • Parallel catastrophes? Uniqueness, redemption and the Shoah

    Nicolas Kinloch’s 1998 review of Michael Burleigh’s Ethics and Extermination in Teaching History, 93, sparked a debate amongst our readers about the teaching of the Holocaust, concerning both rationales and practical approaches. Citing the damage caused to pupils’ understanding by a Spielberg view of history, he emphasised that the rationale...
    Parallel catastrophes? Uniqueness, redemption and the Shoah
  • Christopher Hill: Marxism and Methodism

      Historian article
    Christopher Hill, the eminent historian of seventeenth century England, was a convinced Marxist throughout most of his long and productive life (1912-2003). He embraced this secular world-view when he was a young History student at Oxford in the polemical 1930s and never lost his ideological commitment, even though he resigned...
    Christopher Hill: Marxism and Methodism
  • Teaching History 27

    Editorial, page 2 Notes on contributors, page 2 Oral History and the Raj - Andrew Reekes, page 4 Programmed Learning and Guided Learning in History - Brian Garvey, page 7 From a Victorian Scrapheap - David Jeremy, page 10 Simulations and Computers - Richard Ennals, page 13 Mr Polly's History,...
    Teaching History 27
  • The Historian 20

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    3 Feature: The Marriage of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, C N.L Brooke 10 Update: The Industrial Revolution, John J. Mason 13 Local History: Laxton: England's Last Open Field Village, John Beckett 17 Education Forum: The School History Question, Roger Hennessey
    The Historian 20
  • The Historian 6

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    Articles include: 3 Feature: Forty Years in the Field – Maurice Beresford 10 Local History: Agrarian Changes in the 18th and 19th Centuries 15 Record Linkage: The Factory and the Community – Chris Wrigley 18 Westminster Diary: Archives in Danger 20 Personalia: Profile of Geoffrey Dickens 32 Spotlight: Styal
    The Historian 6