President's Award for Students

Published: 19th June 2014

During her term as President, Professor Jackie Eales instituted the President's Award for Students. The Award is given by HA branches to students in their region and we were delighted to make our first twenty awards last year and are hoping to see more this year.

Each HA Branch can make up to five student awards in their region, students are given a one year free subscription to the Student Zone on our website. We would like the President’s Award to encourage young people to continue with their love and study of history.

If you know of a young history enthusiast who could be encouraged to further their love of the subject please contact us or your local branch through the HA website. If you are involved with a branch please do make the most of the President’s Award.

The Student Zone was developed initally to support GCSE and A Level history students. Alongside practical advice on dealing with examinations, essay writing, note-taking and applying to university are a growing number of podcasts from academic historians on a huge variety of topics. Our podcasts provide an excellent route in to many areas of history and a number of them include suggestions for futher reading. Membership with our Student Zone opens up a world of history. 
