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Approaches to the History Curriculum: skills based curriculum
Briefing Pack Approaches to the History Curriculum: skills based curriculum -
'The end of all existence is debarred me': Disraeli's depression 1826-30
Historian article 'The end of all existence is debarred me': Disraeli's depression 1826-30 -
Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their casual reasoning
Teaching History article Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their casual reasoning -
Key Concepts Causation -
Teaching about heritage through a cross-curricular enquiry
Teaching History article Teaching about heritage through a cross-curricular enquiry -
One Year GCSE
Briefing Pack One Year GCSE -
Approaches to the History Curriculum: Project based learning
Briefing Pack Approaches to the History Curriculum: Project based learning -
Anorexia Nervosa in the nineteenth century
Historian article Anorexia Nervosa in the nineteenth century -
Question: When is a comment not worth the paper it's written on? Answer: When it's accompanied by a Level, grade or mark!
Teaching History article Question: When is a comment not worth the paper it's written on? Answer: When it's accompanied by a Level, grade or mark! -
Sharing The Past: Northamptonshire's Black History
Book Review Sharing The Past: Northamptonshire's Black History -
Camels, diamonds and counterfactuals: a model for teaching causal reasoning
Teaching History article Camels, diamonds and counterfactuals: a model for teaching causal reasoning -
Podcast: End of the World Cults
Podcast Podcast: End of the World Cults -
Using this map and all your knowledge, become Bismarck
Teaching History article Using this map and all your knowledge, become Bismarck -
How studying history can help with a range of careers involved in shaping the places we live.
History & Careers Unit 5 How studying history can help with a range of careers involved in shaping the places we live. -
A most horrid malicious bloody flame: using Samuel Pepys to improve Year 8 boys' historical writing
Teaching History article A most horrid malicious bloody flame: using Samuel Pepys to improve Year 8 boys' historical writing -
Promote the past, celebrate the present: putting your history department in the news
Teaching History article Promote the past, celebrate the present: putting your history department in the news -
Developing conceptual understanding through talk mapping
Teaching History article Developing conceptual understanding through talk mapping -
11 Ways to Use Multimedia Videos in History Lessons
Article 11 Ways to Use Multimedia Videos in History Lessons -
Ensuring progression continues into GCSE: let's not do for our pupils with our plan of attack
Teaching History article Ensuring progression continues into GCSE: let's not do for our pupils with our plan of attack -
Why we must change history GCSE
Teaching History article Why we must change history GCSE -
Drop the dead dictator: a Year 9 newsroom simulation
Teaching History article Drop the dead dictator: a Year 9 newsroom simulation -
Thinking from the inside: je suis le roi
Teaching History article Thinking from the inside: je suis le roi -
Have we got the question right? Engaging future citizens in local history enquiry
Teaching History article Have we got the question right? Engaging future citizens in local history enquiry -
'Don't worry, Mr. Trimble. We can handle it' Balancing the rationale and the emotional in teaching of contentious topics
Teaching History article 'Don't worry, Mr. Trimble. We can handle it' Balancing the rationale and the emotional in teaching of contentious topics -
SHP and 'What is history?'
Article SHP and 'What is history?'