Found 895 results matching 'holocaust'

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  • Integrating the historical Holocaust

      Teaching History article
    How can we help students understand the Holocaust in its full historical complexity, particularly when they often come to class with misconceptions arising from the representation of the Holocaust in popular culture? Over a three-year period, Sam Ineson set out to integrate the historical Holocaust into his school’s formal and informal...
    Integrating the historical Holocaust
  • Holocaust Memorial Day 2025

      19th December 2024
    Each year on 27 January the UK observes Holocaust Memorial Day. Every year since its introduction communities, individuals, organisations and institutions have been encouraged to mark the day and remember it. The history of what is remembered is straightforward: on 27 January 1945 the Soviet Army entered into a Nazi...
    Holocaust Memorial Day 2025
  • Holocaust Memorial Day 2023

      4th January 2023
    Holocaust Memorial Day is an annual reminder to remain vigilant to the horrors that people can inflict on each other. However, it is also an opportunity to remind everyone of the detail of past events that can sometimes seem too big to comprehend. This year the theme is Ordinary People...
    Holocaust Memorial Day 2023
  • Is There a Place for The Holocaust in the Primary Curriculum?

    The Holocaust – the murder of approximately six million Jewish men, women and children by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during the Second World War – is possibly the most difficult event that any history teacher will ever have to teach. Most obviously, it can be deeply upsetting, for educators...
    Is There a Place for The Holocaust in the Primary Curriculum?
  • Holocaust Memorial Day 2022

      Holocaust Memorial Day, Thursday 27 January 2022
    The events of the Holocaust and the other genocides of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries can seem overwhelming and too much to take on board. That is one of the reasons why each year’s Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) has a specific theme. For 2022 the theme is ‘One Day’, a...
    Holocaust Memorial Day 2022
  • Learning from the Aftermath of the Holocaust

    International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research [IJHLTR], Volume 14, Number 2 – Spring/Summer 2017 ISSN: 14472-9474 Abstract In this article I seek to encourage those involved in Holocaust education in schools to engage not just with the Holocaust but also with its aftermath. I conceptualise the latter in terms of two...
    Learning from the Aftermath of the Holocaust
  • Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture 2025

      Free online lecture via Zoom | 3 February 2025, 5pm
    Free online lecture by Dr Antoine Burgard 3 February 2025, 5pm As Allied Forces began their advance further into Europe 80 years ago they began to uncover places of unimaginable horror. They had known about the Concentration Camps and the Labour Camps before the war but the discovery of how...
    Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture 2025
  • Why do we continue to study the Holocaust?

      Teaching History article
    Educators at Imperial War Museums (IWM) have been leading voices in Holocaust education since the Holocaust Exhibition opened at IWM London in June 2000. In this article, Clare Lawlor shares the design of IWM’s new Holocaust Learning Programme for schools, and the pedagogic research that underpinned the design process. The...
    Why do we continue to study the Holocaust?
  • Triumphs Show 192: Balancing micro- and macronarratives of the Holocaust

      Teaching History feature
    Lien de Jong celebrates her 90th birthday in September 2023. In lots of ways, her biography is similar to many Europeans of her generation. She was born, grew up and went to school in The Hague during the 1930s. She trained to work in a nursery. In the 1950s, she...
    Triumphs Show 192: Balancing micro- and macronarratives of the Holocaust
  • Muslim Rescuers of the Holocaust CPD

      CPD Unit
    This CPD unit focuses on the experience of Muslim rescuers during the Holocaust and the Second World War. It was written by Andrew Wrenn, Cambridgeshire Humanities Advisor, to complement  another unit published earlier on this website called Muslim Tommies which dealt with the experience of Muslim soldiers fighting for Britain...
    Muslim Rescuers of the Holocaust CPD
  • Nazi perpetrators in Holocaust education

      Teaching History article
    The Holocaust is often framed, in textbooks and exam syllabi, from a perpetrator perspective as a narrative of Nazi policy. We are offered a different orientation here. Interrogating and understanding the Holocaust involves understanding why the people who perpetrated the Holocaust did the things that they did. As Wolf Kaiser...
    Nazi perpetrators in Holocaust education
  • Limited lessons from the Holocaust?

      Teaching History article
    Limited lessons from the Holocaust? Critically considering the ‘anti-racist' and citizenship potential Previous issues of Teaching History have seen extensive debate about the appropriateness of approaching Holocaust education with explicitly social or moral - as opposed to historical - aims. Rather than taking sides, Alice Pettigrew first acknowledges the range...
    Limited lessons from the Holocaust?
  • Berlin and the Holocaust: a sense of place?

      Teaching History article
    As more and more schools take students on visits to locations associated with the history of the Holocaust, history teachers have to find ways to make these places historically meaningful for their students. David Waters shows here how he introduced his students to the multiple narratives associated with the history...
    Berlin and the Holocaust: a sense of place?
  • From The Holocaust To Recent Mass Murders And Refugees

      IJHLTR Article
    International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research [IJHLTR], Volume 14, Number 2 – Spring/Summer 2017ISSN: 14472-9474 Abstract Through studying cases of genocide and mass atrocities, students can come to realize that: democratic institutions and values are not automatically sustained but need to be appreciated, nurtured, and protected; silence and indifference to the...
    From The Holocaust To Recent Mass Murders And Refugees
  • The Holocaust in history and history in the curriculum

      Teaching History article
    In this powerfully argued article Paul Salmons focuses directly on the distinctive contribution that a historical approach to the study of the Holocaust makes to young people's education. Not only does he question the adequacy of objectives focused on eliciting purely emotional responses; he issues a strong warning that turning...
    The Holocaust in history and history in the curriculum
  • Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust

      Historian article
    Daniel Goldhagen defines anti-semitism as ‘negative beliefs and emotions about Jews qua Jews.' Nazis believed Jews to be the source of Germany's misfortunes, and that they must be denied German citizenship and removed from German society. Hitler never compromised on the need to settle what he regarded as the Jewish...
    Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust
  • Recorded webinar: Making the most out of Holocaust Memorial Day: challenges and opportunities

    Since 2001 the UK has marked Holocaust Memorial Day on 27th January, the date of the 'liberation' of Auschwitz Birkenau by Soviet soldiers in 1945. History teachers and their colleagues are often asked to 'mark' HMD in their schools. In this webinar we will explore themes of commemoration and education...
    Recorded webinar: Making the most out of Holocaust Memorial Day: challenges and opportunities
  • How ‘good’ are Key Stage 3 textbooks in supporting the teaching of the Holocaust?

      Teaching History article
    Convinced of the value of a good textbook as a teaching and learning resource, Alex Diamond set out to understand teachers’ thinking about Holocaust textbooks and what it would be for a textbook to represent Holocaust history adequately. As Diamond’s discussion shows, this is a multi-faceted issue. Evaluating textbook representation involves reflecting...
    How ‘good’ are Key Stage 3 textbooks in supporting the teaching of the Holocaust?
  • Recorded webinar: Ordinary people - Holocaust Memorial Day 2023

      Recorded webinar
    Recorded webinar: Ordinary people - Holocaust Memorial Day 2023
  • Using the concept of place to help Year 9 students to visualise the complexities of the Holocaust

      Teaching History article
    Inspired by the work of the social and cultural historian Tim Cole, Stuart Farley decided to look again at the way he teaches the Holocaust. He wanted to focus on the geographical concept of place as a way of enabling his Year 9 students to build far more diverse narratives,...
    Using the concept of place to help Year 9 students to visualise the complexities of the Holocaust
  • Teaching History 153: The Holocaust & Other Genocides

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    02 Editorial 03 HA Secondary News 04 Tamsin Leyman and Richard Harris - Connecting the dots: helping Year 9 to debate the purposes of Holocaust and genocide education (Read article) 11 Darius Jackson - ‘But I still don't get why the Jews': using cause and change to answer pupils' demand for an...
    Teaching History 153: The Holocaust & Other Genocides
  • Educational visits to Holocaust-related sites

      Teaching History article
    Kay Andrews, former history teacher and expert in Holocaust teacher education, relates how she found herself questioning the impact and purpose of overseas site visits for students. She raises questions about whether the typical eastern European destinations that dominate Holocaust-related travel are the most appropriate for student learning. She also...
    Educational visits to Holocaust-related sites
  • Investigating students' prior understandings of the Holocaust

      Teaching History article
    Students make sense of new learning on the basis of their prior understandings: we cannot move our students' thinking on unless we understand what they already know. In this article, Edwards and O'Dowd report how they set out to scope a group of Y ear 8  students' prior learning and...
    Investigating students' prior understandings of the Holocaust
  • Move Me On 141: Teaching the Holocaust

      Teaching History feature
    This issue's problem: Marion Hartog is wondering how to approach teaching the Holocaust, especially with her ‘difficult' Year 9.
    Move Me On 141: Teaching the Holocaust
  • Polychronicon 153: Re-interpreting Liberation: the end of the Holocaust?

      Teaching History feature
    In August 1945, Zalman Grinberg, a doctor from Kovno and spokesman for the Liberated Jews in the American Zone of Germany, addressed 1,700 Jewish survivors. ‘What is the logic of destiny to let these individuals remain alive?!' he asked them: We are free now, but we do not know what...
    Polychronicon 153: Re-interpreting Liberation: the end of the Holocaust?