
Briefing Pack

Published: 22nd December 2009

The Council for British Archaeology have produced a guide to getting involved in archaeology.

Across the UK there are regional community groups undertaking practical field work; there are colleges and universities offering part-time courses – all of whom are keen to hear from you.

It doesn't matter where you live or what age you are, the archaeology of the UK is for everyone to share in. Use the links and download the factsheets below to find out more.

What do archaeologists really do?

How can I volunteer in archaeology?

How can I become an archaeologist?

I want to study archaeology at school – how can I get more information?

I want to study archaeology at university – how can I get more information?

I want to teach archaeology – how can I get more information?

You may be able to volunteer with your local archaeology group or society. To find out what's happening in your area, visit the CBA's Community Archaeology Forum.

If you are between 8-16 years old and interested in archaeology you might think about joining the Young Archaeologists Club (YAC). The Club now has over 70 local branches across the United Kingdom and over 3,000 members.