See our Primary curriculum schemes of work and our Home learning resource hub.
This section contains curriculum guidance and resources broken down by age range (Key Stages). Our Curriculum resources have been split into four core areas to support your teaching of the national curriculum:
Early Years and Key Stage 1: classroom resources, planning resources, resources to help you develop enquiries and plan for progression and assessment.
Key Stage 2: classroom resources, planning resources, resources to help you develop enquiries and plan for progression and assessment. We also have a section on transition between Key Stage 2 and 3.
Primary history resources: resources split up so that you can tackle every area of the curriculum - Stone Age to the Iron Age, Ancient Civilisations, Roman Britain, Anglo-Saxons to the Normans, Local Study, World Study, Individuals and Events, Living Memory, Beyond 1066, Global Learning Programme, Assessment, Lessons & Exemplars.
Curriculum Issues: resources to enable you to plan for - Interpretations, Change & Continuity, Causation, Significance, Chronological Understanding, Inclusion, Using Sources, Similarity & Difference, Diversity, Big Picture, Controversial Issues, Literacy. Read more
Home learning resource-sharing hub
- Resource Sharing Hub: Key Stage 2
- Resource Sharing Hub: Key Stage 1
- Resource sharing hub for home learning
Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1
- Exploring sustainability in the Early Years
- Exploring the history of our place with very young children
- Teaching ‘changes within living memory’: making the most of your school
- Using picture books to explore ideas around history with very young children
- Teaching about Remembrance Day in EYFS
- Playing in the pandemic: Introducing the Play Observatory
Key Stage 2
- Using inventories in Key Stage 2 history
- Census 2021: using the census in the history classroom
- Teaching sensitive subjects: slavery and Britain’s role in the trade
- The history of medicine – warts and all – for Key Stage 2
- Elizabethan times: Just banquets and fun?
- Scheme of Work: The Blitz: all we need to know about World War II?
Primary History resources
- Why we need to teach about the history of trees and woodland...
- Trees
- Using indigenous and traditional stories to teach for climate and ecological action
- Exploring sustainability in the Early Years
- Linking history and science: how climate affected settlement
- Dig for sustainability!
Curriculum Issues
- Pull-out posters: Primary History 95
- Exploring the Great Fire of London and Deaf history
- Teaching black British history through local archives
- Education White Paper and SEND Review 2022
- Recorded webinar: Exploring representations and attitudes to disability across history
- Exploring empire, artefacts and local history