HA Branches in Wales

Branch details by region


Cardiff Branch

For further information about Cardiff Branch meetings, please see the programme link below.

Cardiff Branch Programme


Gwent Branch

For further information about Gwent Branch meetings, please see the programme link below.

Gwent Branch Programme


Swansea Branch

The ‘catchment area' of the Swansea Branch is south-west Wales (anywhere that has an SA postcode, in fact, and sometimes a little beyond), and our aim is to bring together people who share an interest in, and love for History.  Monthly talks are held at the National Waterfront Museum, Swansea. Times and venues for other events are as stated in the programme.  

Swansea Branch website: www.haswansea.org.uk

Swansea Branch Programme


Conwy Borough Branch 

For further information about our branch in North Wales, please see the programme link below. 

Conwy Borough Branch Programme