Taunton Deane Branch Programme

Taunton Deane Branch Programme 2024-25
Branch Contact: All enquiries to Mr Geoff Bisson gb@queenscollege.org.uk tel. 01823 353749
Venue: All talks start at 7.30pm on Wednesdays and take place in the Birchall Hall, Queen's College, Trull Road, Taunton, TA1 4QS unless otherwise stated. There is free car parking on site.
Associate Membership: £10 per year. Talks free to national HA members and students, visitors £3.
Wednesday 18 September 2024
'The Peacock Family: From Taunton to Tasmania' after the AGM Lunch
George Stromborn Peacock emigrated to Tasmania from England, in 1834. Dr Harper's research confirms his previously unknown ancestral lineage to the Peacocks of Taunton, and his relationship to the satirical novelist and poet, Thomas Love Peacock.
Dr Amanda Harper (University of Tasmania)
Wednesday 9 October 2024
‘John Wilkes: Hero or Rabblerouser'
John Wilkes (1725-1797) was a total reprobate but he was also politically principled. He stood for Middlesex in four elections in 1769, won each time, but was repeatedly banned from taking his seat. Finally, he was allowed in and nothing was heard from him again. What kind of man was this?
Dr Sheila Seymour, formerly Royal Holloway, University of London
Wednesday 6 November 2024
'The Making of the United States: The First Critical Decades, 1775-1823'
From the War of Independence in 1775 to the conclusion of the War of 1812, the American republic faced numerous crises and threats of disintegration. Only with the new world order ushered in by the defeat of Napoleon was the future of the United States secure.
Professor Max Edling, King's College, London
Wednesday 4 December 2024
'Palestine-Israel: Past History, Current Challenges and Future Possibilities'
The historical context to Israel's military offensive on the Gaza Strip will be examined. Attention will also be paid to the situation in the West Bank. There, Israeli extremists are openly telling Palestinians to leave, with the intention of establishing 'Greater Israel'.
Dr Nadia Naser-Najjab, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter.
Wednesday 6 January 2025
'Cuba: Myths and Legends'
The history of Cuba, the Revolution and the challenges that it faces will be assessed, focussing on the major events and personalities which have shaped Cuban history. The speaker's views have been shaped by the history of Cuba but his experience of the country.
Dr Bernard Regan, St Mary's University, London
Wednesday 5 February 2025
'What was Life like in Somerset Villages 400 Years Ago?'
Based on witness statements of ordinary women and men from court records this talk will reconstruct everyday life in seventeenth-century Somerset villages. Much of the evidence shows that such communities were not as sleepy as we often think.
Dr Mark Hailwood, University of Bristol
Wednesday 5 March 2025
'Walter Bagehot: Langport's International Celebrity'
Walter Bagehot (1826-1877) has a world-wide reputation as a commentator on banking and financial subjects and an authority on constitutional matters, especially on Parliament, Government and the Monarchy. His background, experience and significance will be outlined.
Barry Winetrobe, Researcher, Langport & District History Society