History-specific CPD for every stage of your career

History-specific CPD – for every stage of your career – from the Historical Association
At the Historical Association (HA), we recognise the importance of evidence-based targeted support at every level, and that is why you’ll find professional development programmes to support all those teaching, leading or managing history at every career stage.
Here are just some of the programmes we have on offer:
Beginning Teacher – The Beginning Teacher section of this website draws upon many HA resources and provides a complete companion to initial teacher training in history. It is designed to support the development of beginning teachers as well as mentors and teacher educators alike. It has been designed to support:
- Anyone thinking of becoming a history teacher
- Those who are in their training year
- Colleagues in their first three years of teaching history
- Colleagues who are working with beginning secondary history teachers.
History Teacher Development Programme – This brand-new programme is aimed at teachers in years two to four of their career who are confident in the classroom, and now want to re-focus their attention on teaching even more ambitious and rigorous history.
Chartered Teacher – Chartered Teacher of History (CTHist) status is designed to ensure that teachers who choose to remain within the classroom have their contributions and expertise recognised and to provide an assurance for senior leaders that history staff are committed to their continued development. You can apply to become a Chartered Teacher of History from Year 4 of your career onwards. It follows the same rigorous standards of other successful Chartered Teacher schemes.
Subject Leader Development Programme – This is an online programme for developing subject leadership in secondary history teaching and will equip history leaders fully for the demands of the role and middle leadership.
A Masterclass for Senior Leaders – This short course is aimed primarily at non-specialist senior leaders and blends practical and theory-based CPD to support non-subject specialist line managers of history departments. This course will help non-subject specialist senior leaders build effective relationships and knowledge for the development of history in your school.
A year-round programme of CPD – offering support at every stage of your career
At the HA we know how essential subject specific CPD is for your development. That’s why, we offer a year-round programme of CPD that supports teachers at all stages of their career from trainees to senior leaders. Look at our online CPD calendar to see the full programme of online courses and webinar-based learning. It doesn’t matter where you are or what your budget; you and your colleagues can benefit from some of the best subject specific CPD through the HA.
Bespoke CPD
As well as our subject specific professional development the HA can offer bespoke training and consultancy at competitive prices led by our pool of affiliated experienced trainers and consultants. Some of the areas we have been able to help with in the past include:
- Curriculum design and planning
- Support for history subject leaders
- Teaching of sensitive histories
Through this service the HA will put you in touch with a consultant who has expertise in your area of concern: Make a bespoke CPD or consultancy request