The George Square Statues

Images of the statues in George Square, Glasgow
Collectively, the 12 statues in the Square with Wellington adjacent comprise a superb history of the nineteenth century both locally and nationally. The statues fall into 5 groups: royalty – Victoria and Albert; politics – Oswald, Peel, Gladstone; literature – Scott, Burns, Campbell; military – Moore, Clyde; science & technology – Watt, Graham. Looking at these 5 groups, we can identify the nineteenth century's major themes: nationalism, empire, industrial revolution, the advance of democracy.
The interpretation of these statues singly and together may serve as a useful template in investigating other statues in their localities. After looking hard and reading these statues, their image is invaluable in standing back to bring them to mind in perusing historical sources.
The collection of statues in George Square is unique in offering Scottish children, especially in Glasgow, a sense of time and place. As a heritage collection, the statues in George Square offer a broad interpretation of nineteenth century history.
The images below accompany the sequential learning unit 'Stories in Stone – and Bronze'
Section 1: 'Reading' a statue (Queen Victoria)
Section 2: What can we learn about Glasgow from the George Square statues?
Section 3: What can we learn about the 19th century from the George Square statues?
Attached files:
- Stories in Stone and Bronze
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