History news

  • Providing Public History: Challenges and Opportunities, 2011

    11th July 2011

    A Workshop to launch Kingston University's Centre for the Historical Record Around ninety archivists, museum curators, heritage providers and historians gathered at Kingston University on 10th June, for a unique workshop to officially launch the new Centre for the Historical Record. Professor Julius Weinberg, Vice Chancellor of Kingston, opened proceedings...

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  • The History Girls: blog by historical fiction writers

    11th July 2011

    The History Girls is a new joint blog by writers of historical fiction. 26 first-rate writers are lined up to produce a daily blogpost across a range of subjects in the genre. (photo by History Girl Caroline Lawrence) Prize-winning, internationally renowned authors of YA historical fiction like Celia Rees ,Theresa Breslin,...

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  • Top historians gather in London for HA's awards evening 2011

    23rd June 2011

    On 23 June 2011 some of the UK's leading historians gathered in London to celebrate contributors to the subject. The Historical Associations annual event is becoming a must for local, educational and academic historians. In the audience were lovers of history from across the UK excited to be part of an...

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  • Young Quills Awards 2010

    5th June 2011

    [Historical Fiction reviewed and nominated by young readers!]  The Historical Association announces the shortlist for the 2010 Young Quills Award. This  prize has two separate categories; Primary and  Secondary, although some books obviously fit into both categories. Books are selected for the shortlist by children reviewers in each category.In order to...

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  • The Barry Coward Memorial Fund

    3rd June 2011

    The Historical Association are starting a special fund in Barry Coward's name to support the Great Debate and, hopefully, to raise money to support adults returning to education. Barry was President of the HA from 2005 to 2008 seeing us through our Centenary Celebrations in 2006 and the first Great...

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  • A message from Jackie Eales

    23rd May 2011

    I am delighted to follow Professor Anne Curry as President of the Historical Association. Anne has been a tireless advocate for the HA during her term as President and we recently benefitted in Canterbury from one of her many visits to lecture to the local branches. I am also looking...

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  • Professor Jackie Eales, President 2011 - 2014

    23rd May 2011

    We are delighted to announce that Professor Jackie Eales was confirmed as President to succeed Professor Anne Curry at the AGM on 13 May 2011. Jackie is Professor of Early Modern History at Canterbury Christ Church University. Her research interests have focussed on Puritanism and the Parliamentarian Party and she...

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  • Branches and Members Committee News 2011

    4th May 2011

    Each year the committees that have sprung from the full Council of the HA have to report to the Annual General Meeting. It is good, if not always easy, to have to give account of what we do. The Branches and Members Committee tries to represent to head office what...

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  • Professor Barry Coward

    21st March 2011

    We are very sad to announce the death of Barry Coward, Emeritus Professor of History at Birkbeck, President of the Historical Association from 2005 to 2008 and a long term supporter of the HA nationally and locally with the Central London Branch. Barry was a greatly respected academic and The...

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  • The 1911 Census

    13th March 2011

    April 2011 is the centenary of the 1911 census, a vital resource for family. Gain free access to search the whole census and find transcribed details of your ancestors.

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