760th anniversary of the first parliament

Simon de Montfort and the English Parliament
January 2025 is the 760-year anniversary of Simon de Montfort calling the first parliament in 1265. Simon de Montfort can be a divisive figure, both disliked and admired in equal measure for different aspects of his recorded character and his actions. Undoubtedly a violent man, he was also responsible for calling the first Parliament of both nobles and town representatives, providing the first example in England of a representative parliament. His role in establishing the parliament, and therefore a check on the King, Henry III, was key to providing a blueprint in how the leading barons and the monarch could engage with one another along with limitations in power.
The Parliament of 1265 was not the first English Parliament but it was the most significant and resulted in centuries of legacy that a king's power could be called into question by the lords and people around him, thus making De Montfort a hero for many. However, as Simon de Montfort was also responsible for the attacks on, slaughter and expulsions of many of the Jewish communities of English towns and cities, it is questionable whether his actions against the king were any more than attempts to build his own power and family authority. To find out more we have resources here and a number of talks coming up on the period.