Branch Podcast: Good Evening Sweetheart
Glasgow & West Scotland Branch Podcast

The WWII letters of Olga and Cyril Mowforth
Just before the talk was due to start in Hillhead Library a young librarian rushed in waving a sheet of paper, looking very excited - the Secretary wondered if we were double booked and about to be asked to leave. But no! She announced that the speakers, Peter and Sue Mowforth, had to contact the BBC instantly. Six days later on St Valentine's Day the speakers were on the BBC's The One Show telling the story of the Mowforth letters 1941-45, written when their father was a tank commander at El Alamein and their mother helping defend the city from air raid attacks. Sue had discovered their parents' letters in the attic and had them typed up and bound. The letters are now in the Imperial War Museum (catalogued as 'Private papers of C & O V Mowforth', Documents, 26125).
Peter and Sue read extracts from their parents' letters with commentary at our Branch talk. This was the first time that we have recorded a talk for an HA Branches podcast.
1. Goodnight Sweetheart Lecture
2. Poem: Where men choose to die
3. Poem: You and I
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