Early Modern

Traditionally, the Early Modern period covers the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries and we have kept to this tradition. One of history’s’ most famous Kings and his descendants Henry VIII are explored in podcasts in this section. Also featured are changes to Parliament, the relationship between leaders and the British people and the growth of the British Empire. Read more

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  • The Early Royal Society: From Bacon to Newton


    In this podcast Keith Moore, Head of Libraries and Archives at the Royal Society looks at the early Royal Society.

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  • The Commonwealth, Protectorate and Radicalism


    In this podcast Professor Peter Gaunt of the University of Chester discusses the strengths and weaknesses of of the Commonwealth and Protectorate from 1649-60 and examines how radical the new republic was.

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  • The Civil War: England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.


    In this podcast Professor Michael Braddick looks at the impact of the Civil War on relations between England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.

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  • The Levellers


    In this podcast Professor Michael Braddick discusses how radical the political objectives of some of the negotiators were.

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  • Tudor Royal Authority


    In this podcast Dr Sue Doran of Christ Church College, Oxford, looks at the changing nature of royal authority under the Tudors, the impact of the Reformation and the development of a print culture, propaganda, the influence of gender, the extent to which faction undermined royal authority and faction under...

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  • Why did the Royalists lose the first Civil War?


    In this podcast Dr Andrew Hopper of the University of Leicester examines why the Royalists lost the first Civil War.

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  • The Restoration in Ireland


    In this podcast Professor David Hayton of Queen's University Belfast discusses the impact of the Restoration on Ireland.

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  • Cardinal Wolsey - Career and Legacy


    In this podcast Dr Steven Gunn of Merton College, Oxford, discusses Wolsey as a statesman, historical interpretation, the revival of strength of royal government, the church, reform, heresy and education, Wolsey's impact on government, Wolsey and finance, Wolsey and military, Wolsey and social policy and Wolsey's legacy.

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  • Henry VIII, Spain & France


    In this podcast Dr Sue Doran discusses Henry VIII and Spain, relations with Ferdinand and Charles V an uneasy relationship, the problem of the annulment and overtures to Francis I of France.

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  • Mary Tudor


    In this podcast Dr Anna Whitelock of Royal Holloway, University of London discusses perceptions of Mary Tudor, Mary Tudor's background, her submission to Henry VIII and the rise of a warrior princess, Mary as a courageous political pioneer, Mary and religion, negative critiques, Mary and policy making, Phillip as king...

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  • The English Reformation and the Rise of an Empire


    In this podcast Dr Steven Gunn examines the significance and impact of the English Reformation, the church and state relationship, changes in church structure, the impact of changes on the individual, the effect of the English Reformation on England's status within the British Isles and within Europe and the rise...

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  • Tudor Rebellions: Henry VII - Elizabeth I


    In this podcast Dr Steven Gunn of Merton College, Oxford, looks at the causes of rebellions, changes and continuity in the nature of rebellion, how historians have approached Tudor rebellion, rebellion as a process of negotiation, ways in which Tudor governments avoided rebellion, new ways to communicate, the growth of...

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  • Elizabeth I and Spain: The road to war


    In this podcast Dr Sue Doran of Christ Church College, Oxford, discusses whether war with Spain was inevitable, why Tudor relations with Spain decline, the Netherlands, Elizabeth I's desire to avoid war, 1581 and the road to war.

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  • Poverty under the Tudors


    In this podcast Dr Sue Doran explores poverty, population increase and unemployment under the Tudors. Motives for tackling poverty: charity, rebellion and humanism. Distinctions between the poor: the deserving and the undeserving. Government responses and approaches - the Poor Laws - support and discipline. The approaches of local authorities and...

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  • The Development of Parliament during the Tudor period


    In this podcast Dr Sue Doran looks at Parliament as a point of contact between the crown and the community, she explores whether there was an organised puritan opposition group, looks at the growing influence of parliaments under Elizabeth and how Elizabeth managed her parliaments.

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  • Tudor Ireland


    In this podcast Professor Sean Connolly of Queen's University Belfast examines the Tudor monarchy in Ireland.

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  • Why did the Civil War break out in 1642?


    In this podcast Dr Andrew Hopper of the University of Leicester discusses some of the reasons why the Civil War broke out in 1642.

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  • The Irish Confederate War and the Cromwellian Conquest


    In this podcast Professor Sean Connolly of Queen's University Belfast examines the Eleven Years War, its' context within the English Civil War and alliances between differing Catholic and Protestant sides.

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  • How close was England to Absolutism 1660-88?


    In this podcast Professor John Miller of Queen Mary University of London looks at English Absolutism 1660-88.

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  • Politics in 18th Century Ireland


    In this podcast Professor David Hayton of Queen's University Belfast looks at Eighteenth-century politics and 'ordinary people' in Ireland.

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