Outside the classroom

Working outside the classroom environment gives younger children lots of experiences to develop their understanding. For example a simple walk around the local streets supports their growing understanding of old/new and local history. Experiencing contrasting spaces, for example a castle or cathedral helps them to begin to explore similarities and differences. Visiting historic sites or museums will encourage their language development and communication skills as well as give a context to these discussions.

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  • Using the back cover image: Oxford Street in the 1960s


    Photographs are very useful and productive documents when teaching history. They provide a snapshot of the past such as this one from just outside Selfridges on Oxford Street in London c.1962-64. Combined with further images from Heritage Explorer, clips from Pathé News, extracts from the 1911 Census, locally gathered images...

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  • War memorials as a local history resource


    War Memorials Trust (WMT) is the charity that works for the protection and conservation of war memorials in the UK. It defines a war memorial as ‘any physical object created, erected or installed to commemorate those involved in or affected by a conflict or war' (WMT 2009, ‘Definition of a...

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  • ‘Not again!’ - an additional viewpoint on using railways


    ‘Not again!’ I can remember my son muttering as his football thudded against the kitchen wall, ‘I went there in Year 2 and then in Year 4 and now I have to go there again in Year 6.’ He was referring to his school trips to the remains of the gunpowder factories in our village,...

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