On-demand CPD

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  • On-demand webinar: Assessing the historical parts


    Webinar series: Meaningful and useable assessment in the secondary history classroom Session 2: Assessing the historical parts This session will explore how history teachers can isolate and assess individual components, or parts, of pupils’ historical knowledge, but without reducing this to an assessment of isolated facts. The session will include examples...

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  • On-demand webinar: Assessing pupils’ answers to enquiry questions


    Webinar series: Meaningful and useable assessment in the secondary history classroom Session 3: Assessing pupils’ answers to enquiry questions  This session will consider how history teachers can go about ‘marking’ pupils’ answers to enquiry questions in a way that values the pupils’ own voice and independent thinking, and avoids restricting...

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  • On-demand webinar: Assessing the historical whole


    Webinar series: Meaningful and useable assessment in the secondary history classroom Session 4: Assessing the historical whole  This session will set out a range of tasks and questions, beyond answering an enquiry question, that require pupils to draw on the knowledge they have built cumulatively throughout the curriculum. The session will...

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  • On-demand webinar: A year in assessment


    Webinar series: Meaningful and useable assessment in the secondary history classroom Session 5: A year in assessment This session will put forward a couple of examples of what meaningful and useable assessment could look like across a school year at Key Stage 3. The session will explore the range of...

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  • On-demand webinar: A history teacher’s 'markbook'


    Webinar series: Meaningful and useable assessment in the secondary history classroom Session 6: A history teacher’s 'markbook' This session will consider what it might be most useful for history teachers to keep a record of over the course of a year. Every time we read pupils’ work or listen to...

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  • On-demand webinar: How can we support strong oracy in history classrooms?


    Webinar series: Effective oracy in the secondary history classroom Session 2: How can we support strong oracy in history classrooms?Focus: Key Stages 3 and 4 | Presenter: Toby Dove This session will explore different strategies for promoting and embedding good oracy within a history classroom. The session will consider the...

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  • On-demand webinar: How might we go about assessing oracy in history classrooms?


    Webinar series: Effective oracy in the secondary history classroom Session 3: How might we go about assessing oracy in history classrooms?Focus: Key Stages 3 and 4 | Presenter: Toby Dove This session will put forward and then critique a framework for assessing oracy within a history classroom context. It will...

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  • On-demand webinar: 'But Miss I don’t know what to write, or even how to start!'


    Webinar series: Effective oracy in the secondary history classroom Session 4: 'But Miss I don’t know what to write, or even how to start!'Focus: Key Stage 5 | Presenter: Dani Hilliard The transition from GCSE to A-level is a big one and sixth-form students often struggle with a variety of...

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  • On-demand webinar: OK! Talk to me, let me hear your argument


    Webinar series: Effective oracy in the secondary history classroom Session 5: OK! Talk to me, let me hear your argumentFocus: Key Stage 5 | Presenter: Dani Hilliard This session will look at potential solutions to some of the problems that students have writing history at A-level. At the core of this session...

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