Substantive concepts
Substantive concepts are those concerned with the subject matter of history – the substance about which students are learning. Some materials in this section focus on the teaching of highly specific contextualised terms and others explore more general strategies for building and reinforcing knowledge of recurring concepts over time. Read more
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‘Weaving’ knowledge
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Historical learning using concept cartoons
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Power, authority and geography
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Deepening Year 9’s knowledge for better causation arguments
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What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the long-term impact of the Black Death on English towns
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Reading? What reading?
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New, Novice or Nervous? 167: Confidence with substantive knowledge
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Move Me On 167: Frames of reference
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Thinking makes it so: cognitive psychology and history teaching
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Of the many significant things that have ever happened, what should we teach?
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Cunning Plan 166: developing an enquiry on the First Crusade
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New, Novice or Nervous? 161: Teaching substantive concepts
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Finding the place of substantive knowledge in history
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Cunning Plan 158: teaching about the history of the UK Parliament
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Triumphs Show 158: interactive learning walls and substantive vocabulary
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Building and assessing historical knowledge on three scales
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Move Me On 157: Getting knowledge across
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Developing students' thinking about change and continuity
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Knowledge and the Draft NC
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Transforming historical understanding through scripted drama
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