Evidence: Specific examples

Quick Links
Teaching ‘the lesson of satire': using The Wipers Times to build an enquiry on the First World War
Cunning Plan 152: for using Gillray's cartoons to enable pupils in Year 8 to understand Britain in the eighteenth century
Riots, railways and a Hampshire hill fort: Exploiting local history for rigorous evidential enquiry
Please send socks'. How much can Reg Wilkes tell us about the Great War?
Really weird and freaky': using a Thomas Hardy short story as a source of evidence in the Year 8 classroom
Down the foggy ruins of time: Bob Dylan and the concept of evidence
Gladstone spiritual or Gladstone material? A rationale for using documents at AS and A2
Holistic assessment through speaking and listening: an experiment with causal reasoning and evidential thinking in Year 8
What's that stuff you're listening to Sir?' Rock and pop music as a rich source for historical enquiry
'Now listen to Source A' : Music and History
What can we infer from the Weymouth Grave?
What did archaeologists infer about the Weymouth Vikings?
Can we infer that the Weymouth Vikings were victims of Ethelred the Second?
Using Archives
Talking pictures: exploiting the potential of visual sources to generate productive pupil talk
Picturing place: what you get may be more than what you see