Found 2 results matching 'nuffield' within Primary > CPD > Available Events   (Clear filter)

  • Recorded webinar: How has warfare changed over time?

      Webinar series: Teaching British history that extends chronological knowledge beyond 1066
    Webinar series: Teaching British history that extends chronological knowledge beyond 1066 How and why has warfare changed from the Battle of Hastings in 1066, fought with armed with swords and shields, to the weapons of mass destruction of today? This webinar with Andrew Wrenn considers significant turning points such as...
    Recorded webinar: How has warfare changed over time?
  • Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for teaching history and geography

      Joint event from the Historical Association and Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
    Artificial Intelligence is becoming more and more prevalent in society and many occupational sectors. But what about teaching? Is AI a threat to history and geography teaching, assessment and quality assurance? Or is it the saviour for teacher workload and a creative force that can bring our subjects to life...
    Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for teaching history and geography