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  • Short course: Witchcraft, Werewolves and Magic in European History

      HA short course, 10 September–10 December 2024
    Led by Jonathan Durrant, Laura Kounine, Jan Machielsen, Lisa Tallis, Juliette Wood   Book Now (Registration is via Cademy which opens in a new window. Please read the course terms and conditions before registering) What does the course cover? This Historical Association short course is an introduction to European witchcraft...
    Short course: Witchcraft, Werewolves and Magic in European History
  • Webinar series: Deep dive with confidence

      HA webinar series for current and aspiring primary history subject leaders
    "This series was very useful in preparing for Ofsted and ensuring I was considering the curriculum outcomes sufficiently." What does this series cover? We are pleased to offer teachers another chance to access this series of webinars which will address the implications of the 2023 Ofsted subject report for primary...
    Webinar series: Deep dive with confidence
  • Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for teaching history and geography

      Joint event from the Historical Association and Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
    Artificial Intelligence is becoming more and more prevalent in society and many occupational sectors. But what about teaching? Is AI a threat to history and geography teaching, assessment and quality assurance? Or is it the saviour for teacher workload and a creative force that can bring our subjects to life...
    Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for teaching history and geography
  • Young Quills 2024 – the longlist

      HA annual awards for best historical fiction for young people
    Each year, the Historical Association runs ‘Young Quills’, a competition for published historical fiction for children and young adults (14+). The Young Quills books for each year must be published for the first time in English in the year preceding the competition – so 2023 for this year’s selection.  Our...
    Young Quills 2024 – the longlist
  • Young Historian Awards 2025 – take part (Primary prizes)

      History competition for primary schools
    We want young people to get the bug for writing about history in an interesting and critical way. Each year the Historical Association in collaboration with the Spirit of Normandy Trust offers a series of awards to Primary school children for outstanding history scholarship. Children are asked to investigate, think and write about history. The...
    Young Historian Awards 2025 – take part (Primary prizes)
  • Write Your Own Historical Fiction competition 2023 – the winners

      The HA's writing competition for children aged 10-19 years
    Being inspired by stories of the past to tell stories for today has kept people entertained for hundreds of years. Take a look at the shelves in any bookshop and there will be plenty of historical fiction. That is why we believe in starting them young at the HA, and...
    Write Your Own Historical Fiction competition 2023 – the winners
  • Young Historian Awards 2023 – the winners

      Annual history competition for schools
    Each year the Historical Association partners with The Spirit of Normandy Trust to recognise young historians who have shown excellent knowledge and demonstrated historical argument around a subject associated with a series of themes. The competition is divided into age brackets and the entry at secondary level is by essay,...
    Young Historian Awards 2023 – the winners
  • Women in parliament since 1918

      Primary History article
    At the 1918 election just one woman, Constance Markievicz, won a seat, in Dublin, for Sinn Fein. She was in prison at the time. At the time, of course, the whole of Ireland was part of the United Kingdom. All 73 Sinn Fein MPs refused to take up their seats, and...
    Women in parliament since 1918
  • Thinking through history: Story and developing children's minds

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and references are outdated. Story is the crucial factor in children’s awareness of past times in their ‘mythic’ phase of mental development, see page 4. Everyone loves a story, stories ‘open out fresh fields, the illimitable beckoning of horizons to imagination…...
    Thinking through history: Story and developing children's minds
  • Dora Thewlis: Mill girl activist

      Primary History article
    Dora Thewlis was born in 1890 in Yorkshire to a family of textile workers employed in the mills around the Huddersfield Canal. She followed her mother and elder siblings into the mill at the age of 10, earning around £1 a week. Dora’s family, and especially her mother, were very...
    Dora Thewlis: Mill girl activist
  • Citizenship: The Romans in Britain study unit

    The english government has identified History in the national curriculum as one of the main vehicles for citizenship education. However, even if various issues in History exemplify citizenship concepts, learning about them during history lessons will not be sufficient to make the learning ‘citizenship education’. We have to move on...
    Citizenship: The Romans in Britain study unit
  • Young Historian Awards 2022 – the winners

      Annual history competition for schools
    This was a very positive year for the Young Historian Awards. The judging panel continue to be delighted by the quality of the work submitted in a variety of formats by young historians. Although entry levels were lower than during the pandemic, the data confirms that, with the exception of...
    Young Historian Awards 2022 – the winners
  • Write Your Own Historical Fiction Competition 2024

      The Historical Association Historical Fiction Prize
    Entries to the 2024 competition are now closed.  Each year we are so impressed by the ever increasing number and standard of entries we receive around such a wide range of historical periods and settings. You can take a look at some of last year’s winning entries here. Unleash the creativity...
    Write Your Own Historical Fiction Competition 2024
  • Announcing the winners of the Write Your Own Historical Fiction competition 2022

      The HA's writing competition for children aged 10-19 years
    The HA's writing competition for children aged 10-19 years After another year of high-quality fiction writing from our young people, we are pleased to announce that the winners in all of the categories are: School Years 5-6: Eloise Burt – The HMS Titanic. Old Priory Junior Academy, Plymouth Hannah Tan...
    Announcing the winners of the Write Your Own Historical Fiction competition 2022
  • Making the children work for the information!

      Primary History article
    Your local museum is often a rich but sometimes overlooked resource. Images, documents and maps show a broad range of history but one that also relates to the children’s own local area. This allows children to see the connection with their own past, providing them with examples that they can...
    Making the children work for the information!
  • A trail of garnet and gold: Sri Lanka to Anglo-Saxon England

      Primary History Article
    Sri Lankan garnet in Anglo-Saxon graves?  In 2009 news broke of a fabulous hoard of gold and garnet military ornaments unearthed in a Staffordshire field. TV reports mentioned the garnet might have come from Sri Lanka or India, but how could it have got here? I began reading up what used to be called ‘The Dark...
    A trail of garnet and gold: Sri Lanka to Anglo-Saxon England
  • Your Local Railway: a local history investigation in Key Stage 2

      Primary History article
    In this article Tim Lomas discusses one of the best resourced themes you can find: your local railway. Railways make one of the best themes for a historical study. No place has ever been far from a railway station even if Dr Beeching wiped out one-third of the network in...
    Your Local Railway: a local history investigation in Key Stage 2
  • Young Historian Awards 2021 – Winners

      Annual competition, HA and The Spirit of Normandy Trust
    Each year the Historical Association partners with The Spirit of Normandy Trust to award young historians who have shown excellent knowledge and demonstrated historical argument around a subject associated with a series of themes. The competition is divided into age brackets and the entry at secondary level is by essay...
    Young Historian Awards 2021 – Winners
  • Teaching the First World War in the primary school

    The current commemorations of the First World War have opened the door to some real opportunities for those teaching primary history – perhaps even considering taking children to the battlefields. Although this is customarily a secondary-school experience, this article outlines the opportunities for primary-age children. The suggestions here are based...
    Teaching the First World War in the primary school
  • Scheme of Work: The Georgians

      Primary Scheme of Work, Key Stage 2 History (unresourced)
    This unit focuses on the Georgian period across the mid to late 18th century. It is during this period that Britain (rather than England) begins to consolidate the gains made by Tudor and Stuart explorers and traders. The seeds of the British Empire of the Victorian period are planted at this...
    Scheme of Work: The Georgians
  • Queen Victoria as a Politician

    Even had Queen Victoria not presided over the achievements of the age which bears her name, her career would still hold a fascination for the historian. She was, for one thing, the solitary woman in a male political world. She was possessed of a personality at once perceptive and simple,...
    Queen Victoria as a Politician
  • Global Learning & Critical Thinking

    Critical thinking GLP-E aims: Young people will also develop the skills to interpret that knowledge in order to make judgements about global poverty. In this way they will be able to: think critically about global issues. The GLP has a strong focus on developing young people's knowledge and understanding of...
    Global Learning & Critical Thinking
  • Global Learning & Critical Thinking

    Critical thinkingGLP-E aims: Young people will also develop the skills to interpret that knowledge in order to make judgements about global poverty. In this way they will be able to:think critically about global issues.The GLP has a strong focus on developing young people's knowledge and understanding of development, and in...
    Global Learning & Critical Thinking
  • The Battle of Britain

    David Field gives a descriptive account of a History Club's project on the Battle of Britain.
    The Battle of Britain
  • Florence Nightingale

      Primary History resource
    Born: May 1820; Died: August 1910 Background and early life Florence Nightingale was born to a wealthy evangelical family in Florence, Italy in 1820. She was named after her place of birth. It was normal at the time for girls from wealthy families to be educated at home by a governess,...
    Florence Nightingale