Liaising with Others - Quick Links

List of Articles

By Melanie Jones, published 2nd October 2015

Quick Links

Liasing with Others (Links)

Liaising with an historian:

‘Miss, did this really happen here?' Exploring big overviews through local depth

Liaising with the community:

Teaching the very recent past: ‘Miriam's Vision' and the London bombings

Liaising with the academy:

Using time-lines in assessment

Liaising with an historian:

Taking new historical research into the classroom: getting medieval

Liaising with an historical committee:

Defying the Iron Duke: assessing the Battle of Waterloo in the classroom

Liaising with a museum:

Writing Letchworth's war: developing a sense of the local within historical fiction through primary sources

Liaising with the local authority:

One street, twenty children and the experience of a changing town: Year 7 explore the story of a London street

Liaising between schools:

Planning and teaching linear GCSE: inspiring interest, maximising memory and practising productively

International collaboration:

Bridging the divide with a question and a kaleidoscope: designing an enquiry in a challenging setting

International collaboration:

Talking with the ‘enemy': firing enthusiasm for history through international conversation and collaboration

Liaising with an external education provider:

The best way for students to remember history is to experience it!' Transforming historical understanding through scripted drama

Liaising with the community:

Community engagement in local history: a report on the Hemel at War project