Virtual Branch Film: What a strange place to be buried
Unique burial locations in London c. 1600-1800
By Anna Cusack, published 10th January 2022

Virtual Branch Film
What a strange place to be buried: unique burial locations in London c. 1600-1800
Anna Cusack joined the HA Virtual Branch to discuss unique burial locations in London c.1600-1800. Anna recently completed a PhD at Birkbeck, University of London on the marginal dead of seventeenth and eighteenth-century London, focusing specifically on suicides, executed criminals, Quakers, and Jews and the treatment of their bodily remains after death.
Her research was recently featured in The Times and she is part of the Placecloud project which records mini podcasts about specific places across London and indeed England. Anna co-edits the blog We Hang Out a Lot in Cemeteries and continues to work on the histories of marginalised individuals and the dead.