Longsands Academy


Image above: Anya, Hazel, Max and Mohamed with their shields at the Centre Historique Médiéval d'Azincourt.

The pupils at Longsands Academy decided to give their school’s activity day an Agincourt focus. Take a look at images from the PowerPoint (attached below) and read teacher Neil Owen’s account below.

Neil Owen - Teacher Report

We had an excellent day as part of our Arts Festival Project: How did Henry V win the Battle of Agincourt?

During Period 1 we set up the enquiry question. Then students completed some research to familiarise themselves with the context around the battle. Students presented their findings to the rest of the group.

During Period 2, 3 and 4, the students worked on creating the model. The students worked in small groups, on a carousal format.

During Period 5, the students talked through the model. Then, we re-enacted the battle outside, talking the students through the different stages of the battle using the different colour cones to represent the different stages of the armies. We then concluded the day by showing students the DVD clip of the battle from Henry V, and students noted the similarities and differences of this interpretation.

We will now frame the model of the battle and incorporate this into our teaching of this enquiry question going forward.

For more ideas for teaching an enquiry on Agincourt, take a look at our bilingual scheme of work Remembering Agincourt.

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