From the fall of Napoleon to Revolution in Russia and from the rise of Hitler to the fall of the Berlin Wall this period is one of major upheaval in Europe. We see the collapse of monarchies and empires and the changing status of women and working men. This is a time that witnesses the mass displacement of peoples and genocide on a scale never seen before it is also a time that sees changes in medicine and technology that make fundamental changes to our everyday lives. Read more
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Moresnet: a small country in a big narrative
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A European dimension to local history
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The peace treaties of 1919
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We will remember them: well, most of them
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Out and About with homing pigeons in the Great War
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From Bedfordshire to the Arctic Circle
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Britain’s Jews and the First World War
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The German prisoner-of-war camp in Dorchester
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The initial impact of the Battle of Jutland on the people of Portsmouth
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Paris: 50 Years on from the Great War, 2 August 1964
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The German Revolution of 1918-19
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The Russian Revolution 100 years on: a view from below
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‘Our March’: art and culture in the Russian Revolution
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Ending the French Revolution
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The End of Germany’s Colonial Empire
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From The Holocaust To Recent Mass Murders And Refugees
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Learning from the Aftermath of the Holocaust
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The spy who never spied
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The Lady of the Black Horse: Mabel Stobart (1862–1954)
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Polychronicon 165: The 1917 revolutions in 2017: 100 years on
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