The modern world cannot be studied without examining the course, impact and legacy of two world wars, the resources in this section set out to look at both the First and Second World Wars in their global context. The section also includes the Cold War and its impact in Latin America, South-East Asia and parts of Africa. This period also sees the rise and fall of European imperialism and the changing nature of global politics and economics as technology brings different stories from so many parts of the world directly to us. Read more
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Film: Discussion: The significance of individuals, presidents and communities to the Civil Rights Movement
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Film: Discussion: The significance of the federal government to the Civil Rights Movement
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Film: Discussion: What global events influenced the Civil Rights Movement?
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Film: Gorbachev - Domestic Reform
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Film: Gorbachev - Downfall
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Film: Gorbachev - Early life and influences
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Film: Gorbachev - Foreign Relations
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Film: Gorbachev - Interpretations
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Film: Key individuals in the African-American Civil Rights Movement
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Film: Khrushchev - Background
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Film: Lenin and the 1917 Revolutions
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Film: Lenin and the Russian Civil War
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Film: Lenin and the birth of Soviet Russia
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Film: Lenin's early thought
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Film: Lenin's legacy
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Film: Lenin's origins
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Film: Lenin, the 1905 Russian Revolution and WWI
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Film: Medlicott Lecture 2021 - Rana Mitter
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Film: Medlicott Lecture 2022 - David Olusoga
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Film: Rethinking the origins of the Cold War
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