Is there a myth that people in the countryside welcomed evacuees?

Learning objectives

  • To display the propaganda picture from the link to the learning curve listed in the resources column.
  • To communicate their conclusion to the enquiry question "Was there a myth that people in the countryside welcomed evacuees?"


Teaching objectives

  • Pupils are picked to come and pick out key details in the picture. The aim of this is to build up an understanding of why the picture has been produced in this way. Leave the writing point till last and ask why this was not eventually used? The answer is that despite the positive image, it wasn't positive enough!
  • Students are put into groups of around 4 to 5. Issue each group with a variety of sources, both pictures and written sources. These should include some secondary interpretation of evacuation produced after the events of World War 2, e.g. an illustration from a textbook. Using these they decide how positive or negative each source or interpretations are in terms of experiences.
  • This leads on to the main writing task. It is important that time is spent establishing with the pupils the success criteria for this task. Begin with a direct discussion of the pupils ideas for this question. What do we understand by myth? Why has this developed? Use recent events to reinforce the need to believe that at times of trouble we all come together.
  • Using the writing frame listed in the resources column for pupils to structure their work.
  • Peer and self assess. A follow up task could involve re-writing a section


Learning outcomes

  • Focused discussion of the key question.
  • Produce a piece of extended writing.
  • Peer and self assess work.

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