Whole School

The effective history coordinator must work across the whole school, both in terms of inclusive, innovative curriculum development, enrichment, teaching and learning and resourcing as well as raising the profile of the subject across the whole school. The whole school aspect of the role may be in terms of history feeding into a whole school improvement or development plan, meeting the CPD requirements of teachers across the school, displays, assemblies or projects.

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  • A history of the world - 100 objects that tell a story


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Editorial comment: A History of the World is the most creative, imaginative and dynamic development in primary History Education for thirty years. It ties in perfectly with and supports the government's re-vitalisation of primary education that...

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  • Assessment and Progression without levels


    The new (2014) Primary History National Curriculum is finally upon us. The first thing you might notice is that the level descriptions have gone. These were first introduced in 1995 and became the mainstay for assessing pupil progression and attainment in Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 across schools in...

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  • Case Study: Historical information and the local community


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. The ICT revolution A paper register, a pink-lined A4 mark book and a written school log book are surely historical artefacts? The transition from paper to digital technology continues, changing the world of the classroom teacher whose working life like mine,...

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  • Creating the 'creative history' website


    Editorial note: The role of ICT in the Digital Age is a major, perhaps even, the major factor, in enhancing creativity in the learning and teaching of history. This paper illuminates another dimension of ICT in the Digital Age and creativity. It shows how a teacher's creativity  has produced a...

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  • Curriculum planning: How to write a new scheme of work for history


    Please note: this article was originally written in early 2014 for schools needing to prepare schemes of work for the new National Curriculum coming into effect that September.   The implementation from September 2014 of the new national curriculum programme of study for history gives you a time-scale for reviewing, refreshing and resourcing your new scheme...

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  • Diogenes: Creativity and the Primary Curriculum


    Diogenes: WHITHER CREATIVITY?! A consideration of the article Creativity and the Primary Curriculum In June 2010 the journal Primary Headship included an article entitled Creativity and the Primary Curriculum which endeavoured to pull together a range of positions as to where the curriculum might be going in the immediate future. These...

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  • Early Islamic civilisation


    The Primary National Curriculum pinpoints Early Islamic Civilisation as Baghdad c. AD 900 - yet it was so much more. For approximately a thousand years after AD 700 there was an extraordinary amount of activity that radiated out from Baghdad and along a glittering crescent through North Africa and into...

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  • English Heritage's Heritage Explorer


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. [THINK BUBBLE, has burst, r.i.p... Diogenes, a curmudgeonly Ancient Greek cynic, has taken its place. The original Grumpy Old Man Diogenes typically looks back to a mythical golden age] Introduction Unfortunately I'm old enough to remember a time when primary school...

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  • From Home to the Front: World War I


    Events which encapsulate family, community, national and global history provide rich opportunities for engaging children. Some of these draw on positive memories associated with past events: the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, how people responded to the first flight to the moon, the Millennium celebrations. Yet it is perhaps gruelling...

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  • Geosong: a transition project


    How do we engage young people with their Heritage, answer curriculum needs and make that big leap of transition from primary to secondary school that bit easier? English Heritage's Geosong treasure hunt website went some way to providing answers. What does the website do? Using handheld GPS devices, groups must...

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  • History and the curriculum


    Whole School Planning Introduction The English National Curriculum identifies the history that we have to teach. Organising it into a format that makes sense to children and teachers creates challenges. The programme of study for history offers flexibility. Schools can construct a learning sequence most appropriate to them. Whole school...

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  • History, ICT and the digital age


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. Three things are important 1.Don't fall for the hype You are not a bad teacher if you are not using a lot of technology in history or any other area! Research evidence does not support many of the claims made about...

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  • How a history club can work for you and your pupils


    Bev Forrest writes: As part of my role as a Historical Association Quality Mark assessor I am privileged to visit schools across the country. In the autumn of 2019, I ventured out into Essex to carry out an assessment at Dilkes Academy. I was delighted to recommend gold status for...

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  • Ideas for Assemblies - Remembrance


    A debt of honour... During the months of September to November 2015, assemblies in my school will focus on remembrance relating to the First World War culminating in a special Armistice Day assembly. In conjunction with this focus a possible approach could be to introduce the children to the growth...

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  • Ideas for Assemblies: Anniversaries


    For this issue I have selected an eclectic range of anniversaries. Some are to do with travel and exploration, showing the human spirit of endeavour and wanting to find out more, like Christopher Columbus' epic voyage across the Atlantic, even if, as we now know, the Vikings went before him...

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  • Ideas for Assemblies: Battle of the Somme


    Commemorating the Battle of the Somme through an assembly is not an easy task and one which needs careful thought and preparation. This battle officially started on 1 July 1916, after a week-long artillery bombardment, though both British and French commanders had prepared for the offensive for several months. To highlight...

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  • Ideas for Assemblies: Empowering pupils to understand the First World War


    Remembering the Battle of the Somme and other events within the First World War will be popular features of primary assemblies as part of the centenary commemorations. Yet primary teachers are often concerned about how to explore a topic as challenging as the First World War with such a young...

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  • Ideas for Assemblies: Lest we forget


    Over the next three editions of Primary History our assemblies pages will be linked to the theme of commemorating the First World War. We have found that while many teachers wish to remember these events in school, they are unsure how to approach the subject with primary aged children. It...

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  • Ideas for Assemblies: The Olympics


    A series of whole-school or class assemblies planned for the weeks leading up to the Olympic Games in 2016 provides an excellent opportunity to introduce or reinforce pupils’ understanding of significance. Over the weeks the pupils will be introduced to inspirational stories taken from previous games and through this be...

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  • Ideas for Assemblies: The life stories of refugees - Judith Kerr


    Judith Kerr, author of The Tiger Who Came to Tea and the Mog stories, came to Britain in 1936 with her brother Michael and their parents, Alfred and Julia Kerr. Her father was Jewish, an anti-Nazi, and famous theatre critic who fled Berlin as Hitler came to power in 1933,...

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