
Foundation Stage planning is a very different approach to Key Stage 1 or 2. Children in Nursery and Reception classes often have ‘continuous provision” - a variety of activities which children are free to move around among and choose for themselves. Sometimes activities will be provided where the teacher or classroom support works with all the children at different points during the week. Read more

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  • History, artefacts and storytelling in the 2011 primary curriculum


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. This article will argue that although history can seem a ‘hard' discipline for young children, it can be made accessible and exciting through telling stories about objects. The article does not contain advice about obtaining objects:...

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  • How to incorporate EYFS as a subject leader


    As a subject leader you often have a lot on your plate and not always the time provided to do so. I have always been fortunate in that I have had support but I appreciate that in certain schools it can be difficult to fit everything in. Hopefully with this...

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  • Ideas for Assemblies: Lest we forget


    Over the next three editions of Primary History our assemblies pages will be linked to the theme of commemorating the First World War. We have found that while many teachers wish to remember these events in school, they are unsure how to approach the subject with primary aged children. It...

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  • Implementing the 2014 curriculum in Year 2


    The chance to pilot the new National Curriculum presented me with the opportunity I was looking for to revamp a tired Year 2 curriculum. I began teaching in Year 2 two years ago, having previously spent five years working in Key Stage 2. As in many other schools across the...

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  • Including the Muslim Contribution in the National Curriculum for History


    History education has a key role to play in creating the informed, critical attachment of young people to the nation and in creating the feeling that young people belong and can participate in national life. The Curriculum for Cohesion Team, comprising Muslim and non-Muslim academics and community leaders, believes that...

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  • Issues relating to the youngest children


    History plays an important role in the development of young children’s understanding of their world. It can broaden children’s experiences beyond the immediate present, to a time in the past, which might be only a few years ago or which might extend much further back in time. ‘Tell me about...

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  • KS1: Teaching about significant individuals


    Teaching about significant individuals at Key Stage 1. Workshop by Professor Penelope Hartnett, University of the West of England The history programme of study for Key Stage 1 requires pupils to be taught about: The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements, some...

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  • Oral history, a powerful tool or a double edged sword?


    We all agree that oral history is a particularly powerful and attractive method for children to gather evidence and appreciate the real life relevance of history. From the Early Years to Year 6, many of us look deliberately for the opportunities to bring a visitor into the classroom, who will...

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  • Primary History Summer Resource 2019: Diversity


    This free summer resource for primary members is designed to help primary subject leaders and teachers consider the implications of developing a school policy for teaching of diversity in history. This comprehensive guide provides timely advice and considers questions associated with teaching diversity and provides a rationale for its essential role in providing an understanding...

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  • Primary History at Key Stage 1


    In this series of podcasts Dr Penelope Harnett, UWE and Sarah Whitehouse Senior Primary Lecturer at University of the West of England examine good history at Key Stage 1. 1. Chronology  2. What should history at Key Stage 1 do? Local History3. Family Histories4. The Importance of Play5. Stories 6. Using sources: artefacts,...

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  • Primary history and British values


    In this article, Michael Maddison provides an overview of what schools must do in relation to promoting British values, as well as preventing extremism and radicalisation, and why it is so important that opportunities are taken in history to  deal with these two pressing issues. It is an updated version...

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  • Primary pedagogy: Lessons from Early Years and Primary ITT Students


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. The last decade has witnessed a massive increase in the use of ICT as a teaching and learning tool within the Primary classroom. Schools are indeed perceived as outmoded without the tools of the trade: the Interactive White Boards, ICT suites,...

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  • Processes, Chronological Understanding & Planning


    In this podcast Dr Hilary Cooper, Professor of History and Pedagogy at the University of Cumbria, looks at why teachers and students seem to enjoy primary history and discusses processes of enquiry, chronological understanding and planning a topic. 1. Ofsted Report History for All published in 2011 said that: "history taught in schools...

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  • Progression and coherence in history


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. "The focus for much of the planning and the teaching is on pockets of knowledge at basic levels. Thus, the notion that pupils can progress and do better over time in history is not well established...

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  • Promoting play in the classroom; children as curators in a classroom museum


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum - the content on Victorian toys (changes beyond living memory) is no longer relevant. In the last few years, opportunities for play in Key Stage 1 classrooms have been considerably reduced. Play is now often regulated to Friday afternoons and filling in activities when...

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  • Pupil voice: Democratising history lessons in Key Stage 1


    Why is pupil voice important? Children are at the centre of everything we do and safeguarding their well-being and ensuring their progress across the curriculum is a key emphasis for schools. Recognising the importance of pupil voice in this is key. Robin Alexander’s Towards Dialogic Teaching: Rethinking Classroom Talk (2017)...

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  • Pupils as apprentice historians (3)


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. The Spring 2008 issue of this magazine, Visual Literacy, highlighted the excellent practice in using visual historical sources that exists in many primary schoolsWe should strive to preserve and extend this critical use of visuals, whatever...

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  • Role play and the past


    The role-play area is often the most popular feature of a foundation stage classroom. For children, it's a source of great fun; for Early Years teachers, it is a wonderful way to develop pupils' language, communication and social development skills. An effective role-play area can also be instrumental in helping...

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  • Storytelling - how can we imagine the past?


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Simon Schama's plea to "reinvent the art and science of storytelling in the classroom" made the media headlines and echoed centuries of educational history (Bage 1999). "It is, after all, the glory of our historical tradition...

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  • Sutton Hoo - Classroom archaeology in the digital age


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated. The class had composed its Anglo-Saxon funeral poem for Raedwald, an Anglo-Saxon king,, the high king or Bretwalda of all seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in the early seventh century as well as being King...

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