Individuals & Events

Of course, individuals and events permeate history. However, the Key Stage 1 units of study particularly require the study of significant individuals and events. What makes an individual significant? What might be considered a significant event? The emphasis is upon a comparison of individuals and events that can be used to make links across time, themes and geographical space. In this section you will find resources and articles to help you to plan innovative units of work based around individuals and events that can either be used to reveal a local, national and international picture, or that can be used to illustrate themes over time or geographical space.

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  • Historical anniversaries calendar


    Historical anniversaries can be a great way to get children and young people interested in a subject or to raise awareness about a particular issue. This resource is free to everyone. For access to hundreds of other high-quality history and education resources along with free or discounted CPD and membership of a thriving community of...

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  • How much has the weather mattered in British history?


    Tim Lomas has considered the effect that weather has had on shaping Britain. He explores how weather conditions and human actions have affected these islands and the communities living here. He suggests three potential areas of investigation. First, he looks at how weather changes might affect crop failure and so...

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  • A Significant Local Event: Carlisle floods


    Sue Temple has used her personal experience of flooding around Carlisle as a basis for exploring local history. She suggests strategies for how we can explore events that have occurred in our own environments by making use of photos and oral history to link to the personal and immediate. As extreme...

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  • Earth heroes: Etta Lemon, ‘The Mother of Birds’


    In this article Ailsa Fidler considers Etta Lemon and her role in halting the plume boom, which saw many bird species driven to the edge of extinction, all in the name of fashion. Linking a study of Etta to the government’s policy on Climate Education, the article shows how Etta’s...

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  • The year without a summer and other cautionary tales


    Susie Townsend explores the story of the Tambora volcanic explosion of 1815 and the catastrophic effect that this had on climate around the world. She uses contemporary accounts and images to set the scene. She demonstrates how this one event far away in Indonesia affected climate across the whole world....

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  • Pull-out posters: Primary History 95


    Everywhere you look in history you can find deaf people and sign languages.

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  • Significant anniversaries: The Bristol Bus Boycott, 1963


    It is sixty years since the Bristol Bus Boycott highlighted race inequalities and discrimination in the workplace. In this article, Stuart Boydell revisits this watershed moment and considers how the Bristol Bus Boycott could be incorporated into the curriculum today. Sixty years ago, Bristol was at the centre of a...

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  • Exploring the Great Fire of London and Deaf history


    Kate Loveman and James Harrod offer new insights into the Great Fire of London by focussing on the inclusion of Deaf history in this popular topic. They shares the online teaching resources created in their joint partnership between the University of Leicester and the Museum of London. Each year thousands...

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  • Making the most of a visit to the Museum of London Docklands


    In this article Susie Townsend explores one of her favourite museums, the Museum of London Docklands, and explains why it has a real value and interest far beyond the locality. As well as covering the benefits of a visit, she also provides ideas for teaching activities across the primary age range....

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  • My favourite place: Lyme Regis, Dorset


    Claire Bradshaw describes why Lyme Regis is a very special place not just for its stunning scenery but for its educational value. It probably has a history dating back to earlier than any other article in the ‘My Favourite Place’ series – this one running into millions of years.   ...

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  • World War II: breathing life into a local history enquiry


    Debbie Doolan explores how the locality of her school, Worle School in North Somerset, was impacted by a significant event, World War II. What is particularly pertinent is not just the range of activities in this topic but the way the theme was refined over a number of years. It...

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  • Significant people: Mary Wollstonecraft


    ‘I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves’ – Mary Wollstonecraft The National Curriculum gives the freedom to select any significant individual and many schools have already chosen those outside the commonly-used ones such as Florence Nightingale, Christopher Columbus and Queen Victoria. There is also...

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  • The Coronation of King Charles III


    2023 will see the first coronation of a British monarch for 70 years. Only those now in their 70s or above will remember the last one. The UK is the only country in Europe still to carry out a coronation, a ceremony that has its roots in traditions over a...

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  • The Coronation


    On 6 May 2023 King Charles III, together with Camilla, the Queen Consort, will be crowned in Westminster Abbey. The Coronation provides rich opportunities for history lessons at both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. At Key Stage 1 it naturally lends itself to Key Stage 1 ‘changes within living...

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  • Significant anniversaries: the infamous Beeching Report 1963


    March 2023 sees the anniversary of a report that had profound significance on social history and which affected many parts of the United Kingdom. There is every chance that it had an effect close to your school especially if you are in a more rural or coastal area. The Beeching...

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  • The new King


    King Charles III acceded to the throne on 8 September 2022 on the death of Queen Elizabeth II. This article looks at the lives of the three kings named Charles and investigates how things will change with our new king. It includes activities and a timeline of British monarchs from Tudors to present...

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  • Where might the Gunpowder Plot sit within the principles of the new model curriculum?


    The government has proposed creating a model curriculum for history. This will contain a range of non-statutory and supplementary guidance to focus history teaching. In July 2022, terms of reference to identify principles and approaches underpinning the model history curriculum were published. There will be an advisory panel that will...

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  • Wangari Maathai as a significant individual


    "Instead of a curriculum where race, gender and disability are mainly rooted in victim narratives, include positive representation. Go beyond teaching slavery and the Holocaust or gender narratives of victimhood…Actively use examples and narratives countering this dominance." Bennie Kara, (2021, p.59) The 2014 National Curriculum for history sets out that children...

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  • One of my favourite history places: Neuschwanstein Castle


    Visiting Neuschwanstein Castle is a dramatic if seemingly unreal experience and for this reason it is one of my favourite historical sites. The castle is situated on the slopes of the Alps in Bavaria, close to the village of Hohenschwangau, overlooking low-lying plains to the north. The ornate turrets, Romanesque windows...

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  • Ten texts for the Platinum Jubilee


    With the Platinum Jubilee approaching later this year and celebrations planned for June 2022, here is a round-up of ten fiction and non-fiction books which will help you plan and find resources for your school celebrations...

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