Teaching History 165: Conceptualising breadth
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

In this edition of Teaching History
02 Editorial (Read article)
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update
08 ‘Victims of History’: challenging students’ perceptions of women in history - Bridget Lockyer and Abigail Tazzyman (Read article)
16 ‘It’s like Lord of the Rings, Sir. But real!’: Teaching, learning and sharing medieval history for all Chris Eldridge (Read article)
24 New, Novice or Nervous? Enabling progress: students who need more support (Read article)
26 Cunning Plan: Helping lower-attaining students to grasp historical interpretations - Sophie Sullivan (Read article)
28 Nurturing aspirations for Oxbridge: an exploration of the impact of university preparation classes on sixth-form historians – Lucy Helmsley (Read article)
37 Beyond tokenism: teaching a diverse history in the post-14 curriculum – Nick Dennis (Read article)
42 ‘Connecting Classrooms’: bringing together Bradford and Peshawar, primary and secondary schools, history and English – Dianne Excell (Read article)
52 Polychronicon: 1917 revolutions: 100 years on - Sarah Badcock (Read article)
56 Move Me On: Capturing student interest vs. sense of period (Read article)
60 Mummy, Mummy
Regular features
Teaching History includes a number of regular features for history teachers including New, Novice or Nervous?, Polychronicon, Cunning Plan and Move Me On. You can access past editions of these here.
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