Barrie Greaves Quality Mark Bursaries

Quality Mark Bursaries

Bursaries available in 2021/2 for state-funded schools

Barrie Greaves was a history teacher, and Head of History, at Cromer High School in Norfolk for his entire career. He studied history at Hatfield College, Durham in the 1950s and after graduation did his teacher training at Hull. Moving back home to Norfolk he qualified at Gorleston Technical College in 1959 before moving to Cromer Secondary Modern (as it was then known) to set up their history department and remained there until his retirement in 1994. He rolled out the then new GCE exam in the 1960s (with pupils obtaining top marks one year later), took the children on history trips to Europe and had GCE pass rates of 84% by the 1970s. In the 1980s he introduced the CSE, an oversubscribed course until the new GCSE was introduced. A teacher who adored his subject, he never wished to move away from teaching and his students have remembered his ability to bring history to life. Barrie passed away in December 2019 and wished to support history teachers and instil a passion for history in young people.

It is for this reason that Barrie’s family have donated a kind legacy in his name to support schools to do just what Barrie would have wanted through undertaking the Quality Mark.  

There will be five Barrie Greaves bursaries available in 2021/2 for state-funded primary and secondary schools and applications close on 31 March 2022. Applications can be made by completing and returning the application form below. Successful schools will be notified as soon as possible and can expect to commence the programme in the summer.

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