International Relations
Relations across the UK, Europe and globally are frequently changing, and have done so across our history. How these relations are recorded, monitored and treated are discussed in the collection of articles and podcasts here. The very concept of international relations is explored as are when boundaries and discussions between states and groups started to matter. What are the procedures, protocols and outcomes of a world according to the history of international relations are all under scrutiny?
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1914: The Coming of the First World War
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Absence and myopia in A-level coursework
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Bertrand Russell's Role in the Cuban Missile Crisis
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Bismarck after Fifty Years
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Brazil and the two World Wars
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Britain and the Formation of NATO
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CRIC Research Project
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Cunning Plan 174: creating a narrative of the interwar years
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Cunning Plan 175: Using the England's Immigrants database
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Cunning Plan 97: A-Level: International Relations 1890-1914
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Cyprus: another Middle East issue
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Czech Uranium and Stalin's Bomb
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Family stories and global (hi)stories
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Film: The Quest for the Lost of the First World War
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Gary Sheffield: Origins of the First World War
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Helping Year 9 to engage effectively with ‘other genocides’
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History Teaching in Belarus: Between Europe and Russia
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Imagining cities: exploring historical sites as contested spaces
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Imperialism resurgent: European attempts to 'recolonise' South East Asia after 1945
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Interpreting Agincourt: KS3 Scheme of Work
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