Representations of Empire: Learning through Objects

Key Stages 2 and 3

By Paul Bracey, Deborah Martin, Sara Burdett

Representations of Empire: Learning through Objects

Produced by the Northamptonshire Black History Association and originally published in 2008, this is one of a set of resources for schools offering a more inclusive map of the past that includes an appreciation of Black History within the local, national and global context. The resources provide a range of opportunities to promote diversity within the curriculum.

Contents of this resource:

  • National Curriculum Subject Links and Objectives (NB these refer to the pre-2014 Curriculum)
  • Activity 1: Preparatory Activity: What links do we have with other parts of the world? 
  • Activity 2: What story can you find in a museum display? 
  • Activity 3: What stories do objects tell?
  • Activity 4: If an object could speak what story might it tell? Exploring the Benin Bronzes. 
  • Conclusion