Found 16 results matching 'holocaust' within Higher Education   (Clear filter)

  • School History FAQs

    These FAQs are designed to provide a starting point for people who are interested in what is taught in school history in England. Please note that education policy is devolved in the UK and so the situation differs in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. These FAQs focus on state secondary...
    School History FAQs
  • Careers with History

      Multipage Article
    A history degree equips you with many skills that are attractive to employers. History is actually very practical, because it involves: Learning about people – how they interact, the motives and emotions that can tear people apart into rival factions or help them to work together for a common cause (useful...
    Careers with History
  • Contribute an Article to The Historian

    The Historian is the journal of the Historical Association that is for all our general members and for teacher members who want a little bit of extra subject knowledge. Containing a mixture of themed articles, regular features and general interest, the journal comes out four times a year. Articles are...
    Contribute an Article to The Historian
  • What to expect when you choose to study History at University

      A student's guide from personal experience to challenges you may have to face
    Challenges you may have to face include: No comprehensive text This resource is free to everyone. For access to a wealth of other online resources from podcasts to articles and publications, plus support and advice though our “How To”, examination and transition to university guides and careers resources, join the...
    What to expect when you choose to study History at University
  • Mobilising in the Shadows: How AKEL Survived and Thrived During Cyprus’ Colonial Crisis

    Mobilising in the shadows: How AKEL survived and thrived during Cyprus’ colonial crisis The story of the Progressive Party of the Working People (AKEL) during the colonial era in Cyprus  colonial era is as much about survival as it is about resilience and reinvention. During the late 1950s, as Cyprus...
    Mobilising in the Shadows: How AKEL Survived and Thrived During Cyprus’ Colonial Crisis
  • State of the (Future) Field: The History of Collecting and Its Institutions

      History journal blog
    This blog post accompanies the authors' History journal article 'State of the (Future) Field: The History of Collecting and Its Institutions'. On 24 November the Guardian reported that Bonhams, a London auction house, might be selling looted antiquities in a forthcoming sale. The claim was made by Dr Christos Tsirogiannis,...
    State of the (Future) Field: The History of Collecting and Its Institutions
  • Photographs and Historians: Reflections on some Nazi Era Photos in U.S. Archives

      History journal blog
    I recently enjoyed what a historian would consider cut-up-the-rug fun; several days of research in the United States National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, MD and the Third Reich Collection in the Library of Congress. In NARA’s reading room, I lost myself among open shelves containing dozens of...
    Photographs and Historians: Reflections on some Nazi Era Photos in U.S. Archives
  • From Kew to KaNgwane: The Development of a Case Study in British-Bantustan Relations

      History journal blog
    This blog post complements the first view publication of the author's History journal article: “‘A cultivated leader and sensible spokesman for black African views’: Britain's Courting of KaNgwane Chief Minister Enos J. Mabuza”. During my doctoral studies into British cultural diplomacy in apartheid South Africa, I developed a keen interest in the history...
    From Kew to KaNgwane: The Development of a Case Study in British-Bantustan Relations
  • The Olympics: Origins to Paris 2024

      History journal blog
    Dr Paul Cartledge, A.G. Leventis Senior Research Fellow, Clare College and Emeritus A.G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture, talks to Richard Marranca about the ancient and modern Olympic Games.   What do the ancient Olympics have in common with the upcoming Olympics in Paris? Sadly, very little indeed – beyond the striving for...
    The Olympics: Origins to Paris 2024
  • Blog off! Refreshing the public history blog

      History journal blog
    Image: Social media sites have provided a platform for fierce debates about the statues of slave traders such as Edward Colston. Even if we think the so-called ‘culture war’ is an overinflated red herring, there’s no denying that some of the fiercest debates about history are occurring online. Contests over...
    Blog off! Refreshing the public history blog
  • Establishing a University-based HA Branch

    The following case study is based on my own experience of establishing the City of Lincoln HA branch, which is based at Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln, where I am a Senior Lecturer in History. The branch launched at the university on Wednesday 19th February 2014. Members of the BGU...
    Establishing a University-based HA Branch
  • Talking to an HA Branch

    The inevitable answer is of course that branches differ in their audiences, with some having a smattering of academics, some with teachers and others largely made up with people with an interest in the subject but not professionally involved in history. That means some people will be relying on what...
    Talking to an HA Branch
  • Support your branch: FAQs

      Volunteering to help your local branch
    Our local branches are all run by volunteers. Joining your local branch committee can be a wonderful way to get more involved with history. What roles are there within each branch?  Each branch has three formal branch officers: the Chair (or President), the Branch Secretary and the Branch Treasurer. Alongside those...
    Support your branch: FAQs
  • Starting a new Branch

      Organising and running an HA branch
    The Historical Association and its branches Branches have been an essential part of the Historical Association since it began. They exist in all parts of the United Kingdom and take a variety of forms. A branch provides a local forum to bring together all those with an interest in history:...
    Starting a new Branch
  • Contribute an article to Teaching History

      Contribute to our journals
    Do you have an idea that you'd like to share with the Teaching History community?  It's through member contributions that the HA maintains such a rich subject community – we'd love to hear from you! Please don’t worry about being tentative, and please don’t worry if you have never written before! We really...
    Contribute an article to Teaching History
  • Sir William Capell and a Royal Chain: The Afterlives (and Death) of King Edward V

      History journal blog
    This blog post and interview complement the first view publication of the author's History journal article: ‘Sir William Capell and a Royal Chain: the Afterlives (and Death) of King Edward V’. The disappearance in 1483 of King Edward V and his brother Richard, duke of York - the 'Princes in the Tower' -...
    Sir William Capell and a Royal Chain: The Afterlives (and Death) of King Edward V