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  • Manchester Branch Programme (with Liverpool and Chester)

    Manchester Branch Programme 2024-25 Entry to meetings is free to HA members, non-members £4 per meeting.   We are delighted to be able to welcome our members and interested members of the public to our 2024 – 2025 series of events. Of course, circumstances are always changeable and events may...
    Manchester Branch Programme (with Liverpool and Chester)
  • Gloucestershire Branch Programme

    Gloucestershire Branch Programme 2024-25 Contact details – Janet Graham at or Robert Sutton on 01242 574889 Members and students free entry to all talks, visitors £4 entrance fee. Venues for most talks are the University of Gloucestershire either in Cheltenham or Gloucester. Directions can be found on the university...
    Gloucestershire Branch Programme
  • Bristol and the Slave Trade

      Classic Pamphlet
    Captain Thomas Wyndham of Marshfield Park in Somerset was on voyage to Barbary where he sailed from Kingroad, near Bristol, with three ships full of goods and slaves thus beginning the association of African Trade and Bristol. In the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Bristol was not a place of...
    Bristol and the Slave Trade
  • Ferninando Gorges and New England

      Classic Pamphlet
    Sir Ferdinando Gorges (July 1565 - May 24, 1647), by some considered the "Father of English Colonization in North America", was an early English colonial entrepreneur and founder of the Province of Maine in 1622, although Gorges himself never set foot in the New World.  Sir Ferdinando Gorges was born...
    Ferninando Gorges and New England
  • Women in Late Medieval Bristol

      Classic Pamphlet
    During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries Bristol was one of England's greatest towns, with a population of perhaps 100,000 after the Black Death of 1348. Its status was recognised in 1373, with its creation as the realm's first provincial urban county, but only in 1542, with the creation of the...
    Women in Late Medieval Bristol
  • Exeter Branch History

      Branch History
    A Brief History of the Exeter BranchExeter was one of the seventeen pre-First World War branches, founded in November 1906, the same year as the Historical Association itself. The Exeter branch was founded by Professor Walter (W.J.) Harte who became President of the (national) Historical Association 1932-36. Harte was appointed...
    Exeter Branch History
  • Ealing Branch Programme

    Meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of each month at Ealing Green Church, W5 5QT, at 7.30pm, with the exception of the November meeting which takes place at Twyford School at 6.30 pm. Talks are live events but with the speaker’s permission we aim to make a recording...
    Ealing Branch Programme
  • Lincolnshire Branch History

      Branch History
    Brief History of the Lincolnshire Branch.When  the branch was founded There was a successful branch of the Historical Association in Lincolnshire after World War Two, centred in Boston, and run by staff from the schools there. In 1999, when I moved to Lincolnshire, I discovered there was no longer a...
    Lincolnshire Branch History
  • Birmingham Branch History

      Branch History
    The Branch was founded in May 1907, a few months after the Historical Association was established. The founding Branch President was Professor John Masterman, Professor of History (1902-09) in the University of Birmingham's Department of Commerce, as it was designated in those days. He was one of several historians in...
    Birmingham Branch History
  • Manchester Branch History

      Branch History
    Manchester Branch is proud of its role in the foundation of the Historical Association (HA) in 1906.  Professor Thomas Frederick Tout and others at Manchester University had been discussing the idea of forming an Association to promote the teaching of a more relevant and vibrant form of history than was...
    Manchester Branch History
  • Portsmouth Branch History

      Branch History
    See the current Portsmouth Branch programme of events Portsmouth's Branch "Minutes Book No. 2" of the years 1946 -1981 is in the city Record Office. It records a Jubilee Dinner held in 1974: so the Branch was founded in 1924. Sadly, no "Minutes Book No. 1" has come to light....
    Portsmouth Branch History
  • Birmingham Branch 1907-2007

      Branch History
    The Branch was founded in May 1907, a few months after the Historical Association was established. The founding Branch President was Professor John Masterman, Professor of History (1902-09) in the University of Birmingham's Department of Commerce, as it was designated in those days. He was one of several historians in...
    Birmingham Branch 1907-2007
  • Ealing Branch History

      Branch History
    The Ealing Branch was formed shortly after the second world war.  Among its founder members was Gordon Batho, then a schoolboy at Ealing County Grammar School for Boys and now President of the Durham branch of the Historical Association and Emeritus Professor of Education at Durham University. The Ealing branch holds...
    Ealing Branch History
  • Nuneaton Branch History

      Branch History
    The  Nuneaton Branch of the H.A. was originally founded in November 1919 as one part of a county wide Warwickshire branch.  Instrumental in this was the editor of the Nuneaton Chronicle, Albert Francis Cross, assisted by local doctor turned local historian, Edward Nason. After this arrangement ended Nuneaton was re-founded...
    Nuneaton Branch History
  • Reading Branch History

      Branch History
    Brief outline history of the Reading Branch of the Historical AssociationReading is one of the places to have had a branch before the First World War, between 1908 and 1911 as was shown in The Historian, ‘The Branches of the Historical Association 1906-2006'. The story of the current Reading Branch,...
    Reading Branch History
  • Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Branch History

      Branch History
    History of the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Branch of the Historical AssociationThe Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole branch of the HA was founded in December 1922 and has been in existence ever since. Its history can be followed in the annual reports sent to HQ, in the complete set of committee...
    Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Branch History
  • Cornwall Branch History

      Branch History
    The earliest information we have about the HA in Cornwall is an Annual General Meeting minute book showing that the branch was re-formed in 1963 by schoolteachers. Lecture meetings were held in various schools and these were probably all in the Truro area. The branch always appears to have been...
    Cornwall Branch History
  • Historical Causation: Is One Thing More Important Than Another?

      Branch Lecture Podcast
    WHAT COLOUR ARE THE UNICORNS?Professor Steve Rigby, recently retired from the University of Manchester, delivered ‘Historical Causation: Is One Thing More Important Than Another?' to the Bolton Branch of the Historical Association on 29th November 2010.  His lecture gives a fascinating introduction to the philosophy of historical causation, looking at...
    Historical Causation: Is One Thing More Important Than Another?
  • East Sussex Branch Programme

    All meetings will be held from 7-9 pm in the large upstairs room at Bibendum, 1 Grange Road, Eastbourne BN21 4EU, a short walk from the railway station. Entry is free to members, and visitor fees are £2 per lecture. Annual local membership is available at the door for £10...
    East Sussex Branch Programme
  • History of the Gloucestershire Branch 1919-2021

      HA branch history
    This article is based on a talk originally given after the 2003 Branch AGM which drew on branch records subsequently deposited with the County Archives. These comprise AGM and committee minutes as well as notes on, and some details of, speakers for each meeting from the 1928-9 season to 1957,...
    History of the Gloucestershire Branch 1919-2021
  • Leicester Branch Programme

    Leicester & Northampton Branches Joint Programme of Online Talks & Activities 2024-25 Leicester & Northampton Branches Joint Programme of Online Talks & Activities 2024-25 Leicester Chair: Annabelle Larsen Northampton Chair: David Waller Most talks will be on the second Tuesday of the month, 18.00-19.30.   10th September 2024.  Dr Lubaaba...
    Leicester Branch Programme
  • 'Modernising Calcutta' by Professor Anindita Ghosh: filmed branch lecture

      Watch the HA's first live-streamed branch lecture
    On 3 December 2018, the Bolton Branch marked a first for the HA by live-streaming a lecture on Twitter. Professor Anindita Ghosh of the University of Manchester spoke to the branch on Calcutta in the 19th century. The event was streamed live on the branch’s Twitter feed, @boltonhistory. Watch the lecture here (NB external website, opens...
    'Modernising Calcutta' by Professor Anindita Ghosh: filmed branch lecture
  • 70 years of the Isle of Wight Branch

      1st July 2020
    In June 2020 the HA Isle of Wight branch celebrated its 70th birthday. Here, Honorary Secretary of the branch Terry Blunden looks back at the history and development of the branch since 1950. Although the Historical Association was formed in 1906 sixteen years elapsed before a branch was established on...
    70 years of the Isle of Wight Branch
  • Support your branch: FAQs

      Volunteering to help your local branch
    Our local branches are all run by volunteers. Joining your local branch committee can be a wonderful way to get more involved with history. What roles are there within each branch?  Each branch has three formal branch officers: the Chair (or President), the Branch Secretary and the Branch Treasurer. Alongside those...
    Support your branch: FAQs
  • Become a Branch Officer

      Support the HA through this vital role
    To begin with the obvious, the life-blood of any branch is its membership. However, that life-blood needs a heart to ensure the vitality of the branch, and that heart is the branch committee: a group of dedicated individuals who regularly give their time and effort to the smooth running of...
    Become a Branch Officer