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  • Kilpeck Church: a window on medieval 'mentalite'

      Historian article
    In the village of Kilpeck, about eight miles south-west of Hereford, may be found the small parish church of St Mary and St David, justifiably described by Pevsner as ‘one of the most perfect Norman village churches in England’ (Pevsner 1963, 201). Seemingly remote today, in the twelfth century the...
    Kilpeck Church: a window on medieval 'mentalite'
  • Popular revolt and the rise of early modern states

      Historian article
    In the 1960s and 1970s, historians and sociologists who were not specialists in the Middle Ages constructed models of pre-industrial crowds and revolt to understand the distinctiveness of modern, post-French Revolutionary, Europe. Foremost among these scholars were George Rudé, a historian of eighteenth century England and France, and Charles Tilly,...
    Popular revolt and the rise of early modern states
  • A Pirate of Exquisite Mind: The Forgotten William Dampier

      Historian article
    In September 1683 in the Cape Verde Islands William Dampier lay 'obscured' among the scrubby vegetation to do some bird watching. He was excited for he had just caught his first sight of flamingos. The detail and delicacy of his description would gladden any modern ornithologist. They were, he wrote,...
    A Pirate of Exquisite Mind: The Forgotten William Dampier
  • Twickenham as a Patriotic Town

      Historian article
    Twickenham from the 1890s onwards grew as a town with a special sense of history. Nobody in authority on the local council could quite forget the reputation which the district had acquired as a rural arcadia. The aristocrats and gentry who built villas in the parish in the late 17th...
    Twickenham as a Patriotic Town
  • Thomas Muir and the 'Scottish Martyrs' of the 1790s

    From the 1750s, after more than a century of intense political and religious disputes and of economic stagnation, Scotland began to enjoy several decades of almost unprecedented political stability, religious harmony, economic growth and cultural achievements. Jacobitism had been crushed and most propertied and influential Scots rallied to the Hanoverian...
    Thomas Muir and the 'Scottish Martyrs' of the 1790s
  • 1066 in 2016

      Historian article
    David Bates explores modern-day research into the complexities behind the politics and conflict of 1066, providing us with some new interpretations and perspectives. The many activities that took place around the time of the 950th anniversary of the battle of Hastings have shown that the year 1066 continues to have...
    1066 in 2016
  • The development of the Department of Health

      Historian article
    Health as a specific feature of central government strategy is a relatively recent phenomenon and Hugh Gault identifies how this feature of everyday headlines in our newspapers has been managed until the present time. At the start of the twentieth  century Lord Salisbury’s Cabinet comprised four Secretaries of State –...
    The development of the Department of Health
  • The Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge Disaster of 1845

      Historian article
    Many communities have cataclysmic disasters which tend to dominate or define their local history. Gareth Davies reveals that the sudden collapse of the Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge is a telling example of this trend. Beside the waters of the River Bure in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk stands a shiny black memorial...
    The Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge Disaster of 1845
  • A precious jewel: English Calais, 1347–1558

      Historian article
    For 200 years the English Crown held the town and fortress of Calais, thereby providing a gateway into France for English exports and influence. The conquest of Calais On 26 August 1346 an English army led in person by King Edward III was confronted by a French army commanded by...
    A precious jewel: English Calais, 1347–1558
  • Mission to Kabul: Destabilising the British strategic position, 1916

      Historian article
    Jules Stewart gives us an insight into how the Germans attempted to destabilise the British strategic position in Afghanistan during the Great War. On a state visit to Berlin in 1928, the Emir of Afghanistan Amanullah Khan was shown a display of the latest in German technology, which included a...
    Mission to Kabul: Destabilising the British strategic position, 1916
  • Agincourt 1415-2015

      Historian article
    Agincourt has become one of a small number of iconic events in our collective memory. Anne Curry explores how succeeding generations have exploited its significance. In his budget statement of 18 March 2015 the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, announced £1m had been awarded to commemorate the 600th anniversary...
    Agincourt 1415-2015
  • Why did regional variations exist in the prosecution of witches between 1580-1650

      Historian article
    Regional variations in the intensity of European witchhunting existed because the necessary preconditions for panic chain-reaction hunts were only constantly in place in a very small number of regions. More than 35,000 witchcraft executions took place in the Holy Roman Empire where there was a wide acceptance of the cumulative...
    Why did regional variations exist in the prosecution of witches between 1580-1650
  • Tyne Cot Cemetery, near Ypres, Belgium

      Historian feature
    My Favourite History Place: Tyne Cot Cemetery, near Ypres, Belgium  We can truly say that the whole circuit of the Earth is girdled with the graves of our dead. In the course of my pilgrimage, I have many times asked myself whether there can be more potent advocates of peace...
    Tyne Cot Cemetery, near Ypres, Belgium
  • The Origins of the Local Government Service

      Historian article
    The concept ‘local government’ dates only from the middle of the nineteenth century. ‘Local government service’ emerged later still. In 1903 Redlich and Hirst1 wrote of ‘municipal officers’, while in 1922 Robson2 preferred ‘the municipal civil service’. ‘Local government service’ perhaps derives its pedigree from its use in the final...
    The Origins of the Local Government Service
  • An Interview with Antony Beevor (Film)

      Antony Beevor, the Medlicott Medal awardee for 2016, tells us his thoughts….
    The 2016 Medlicott Medal for services to history will be presented to Antony Beevor this July. He is a popular historian with a loyal following while also being a heavy duty writer whose preparation and research for each of his books takes him years and into archives across the world....
    An Interview with Antony Beevor (Film)
  • 'Wanted, The Elusive Charlie Peace': A Sheffield Killer Of The 1870s As Popular Hero

      Historian article
    On 28 November 1876, William and John Habron, Irish brothers habitually in trouble with the police, were tried at Manchester Assizes for the murder three months before of Police Constable Nicholas Cock (on the basis of ‘scientific’ footprint evidence at the scene of the crime). The jury found 19 year-old...
    'Wanted, The Elusive Charlie Peace': A Sheffield Killer Of The 1870s As Popular Hero
  • Louis, John, and William: the 'Dame Europa' pamphlets, 1870-1871

    The pamphlet printing industry in England received an unexpected boost in 1871 with the appearance of numerous works written, mainly, as commentaries, satires or allegories in Britain’s attitude regarding the Franco-Prussian War. The cause of this deluge was one particular tract, first issued on Salisbury in October 1870, whose purpose...
    Louis, John, and William: the 'Dame Europa' pamphlets, 1870-1871
  • Catherine de' Medici and the French Wars of Religion

    R. J. Knecht suggests that the 'Black Legend' may not be quite as unfair to Catherine as her defenders have argued. Few historical figures have aroused as much passionate controversy as Catherine de’ Medici who was queen of France from 1547 until 1559 and several times regent before her death...
    Catherine de' Medici and the French Wars of Religion
  • The Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to the Torres Strait 1898-1899: The birth of social anthropology?

    Dr John Shepherd reviews the history of a major anthropological expedition one hundred years ago. On 10 March 1898 The Times reported that Cambridge Anthropological Expedition led by Alfred Cort Haddon had sailed from London, bound for the Torres Strait region between Australia and New Guinea. In Imperial Britain, the...
    The Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to the Torres Strait 1898-1899: The birth of social anthropology?
  • The New Imperialism

      Classic Pamphlet
    This Classic Pamphlet first published in 1970 comes with a new introduction written by the author M. E. Chamberlain.The New Imperialism - Introduction by M. E. Chamberlain Professor Emeritus at Swansea University. May 2010.When this pamphlet was first published imperialism was a hot political topic and battle raged between Marxist and...
    The New Imperialism
  • Jane Austen: a writer for all seasons

    Irene Collins provides a fresh assessment of the life and work of one of this country’s greatest novelists, whose own wit and charm, combined with a deep insight into human nature, is reflected in her novels. Jane Austen was not the first woman novelist in England to achieve popularity and...
    Jane Austen: a writer for all seasons
  • The Handing Back of Hong Kong: 1945 and 1997

    Andrew Whitfield examines the recovery of Hong Kong from the Japanese, 52 years before its return to China. As the clock ticks ever closer to midnight on 30 June 1997, the sun will set on Britain’s last major colonial outpost. Thousands of miles from the motherland, the colony originally acted...
    The Handing Back of Hong Kong: 1945 and 1997
  • The Migration of Indians to Guiana and Surinam

    While migration from Europe to North America and elsewhere is well known, that from India is less familiar to Western readers. Ananda Dulal Sarkar provides an account of Indian migrants to the former British and Dutch Guianas. Within India, particularly during British rule, young and able-bodied males migrated hundreds of...
    The Migration of Indians to Guiana and Surinam
  • 'The end of all existence is debarred me': Disraeli's depression 1826-30

      Historian article
    During the years from 1826 to 1830 Benjamin Disraeli went through the slough of despond. His first major biographer,William Flavelle Monypenny, observed the ‘clouds of despondency which were now settling upon Disraeli's mind'. In his magisterial life of the great tory leader Robert Blake commented that ‘after completing Part II...
    'The end of all existence is debarred me': Disraeli's depression 1826-30
  • Sir Francis Fletcher Vane, anti-militarist: The great boy scout schism of 1909

      Historian article
    Sir Francis Patrick Fletcher Vane, fifth baronet (1861-1934), a man of wideranging but seemingly contradictory passions and interests, was an idealistic but also hard-working aristocrat who played a major role in shaping the early Boy Scout movement in London. While the name of the founder of the Boy Scouts, Robert...
    Sir Francis Fletcher Vane, anti-militarist: The great boy scout schism of 1909