How to make historical simulations adaptable, engaging and manageable
Teaching History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated.
Dan Moorhouse suggests that history teachers are sometimes put off role-play or simulations because the amount of preparation - intellectual and practical - appears both time-consuming and expensive. He argues that effective simulations need be...
How to make historical simulations adaptable, engaging and manageable
Teaching and learning through personal, family and local history
N.B. This unit was produced before the 2014 curriculum and therefore while much of the advice is still useful, there may be some out of date references or links.
This unit is concerned with the way that primary age pupils can make use of their own personal, family and local history...
Teaching and learning through personal, family and local history
The creative history curriculum
Primary History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated.
Do you give in to bullying, stay loyal to your leader, admit your actions, betray your neighbours, challenge discrimination or just keep quiet? These were the issues faced by Year 4 children at East...
The creative history curriculum
The National Curriculum Attainment Target (from 2008)
HITT Resource
Level 4
Pupils show their knowledge and understanding of local, national and international history by describing some of the main events, people and periods they have studied, and by identifying where these fit within a chronological framework. They describe characteristic features of past societies and periods to identify change and...
The National Curriculum Attainment Target (from 2008)
A Guide to the Key Stage 3 programme (pre-2014)
Key Stage 3 Guide
Please note: this unit was produced for a previous national curriculum (pre-2014). However, much of the advice remains useful and it provides a context to topics that continue to be very important for history teachers. Subject leaders, ITE providers and others may find it useful to consider how currently relevant topics were...
A Guide to the Key Stage 3 programme (pre-2014)
Emotional response or objective enquiry? Using shared stories and a sense of place
Teaching History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated.
In this article, Andrew Wrenn explores some issues that teachers might consider when supporting 14 and 15 year olds in their study of war memorials as historical interpretations. Tony McAleavy has argued that ‘popular' and...
Emotional response or objective enquiry? Using shared stories and a sense of place
Britain's Olympic visionary
Historian article
Forty-six years before the modern Olympics began, the small Shropshire market town of Much Wenlock was the seemingly unlikely setting for the establishment of an ‘Olympian Games'. Commencing in 1850, they were to become an annual festival in the town. The architect of this sporting enterprise was a local surgeon...
Britain's Olympic visionary
From tragedy to triumph: The courage of Henrietta, Lady of Luxborough 1699-1756
Historian article
Why is Henrietta Luxborough, who was born in 1699, of interest today? In the first place because of whom she was; in the second because of what happened to her; and in the third because of her courage which enabled her to overcome adversity and lead a life utterly different...
From tragedy to triumph: The courage of Henrietta, Lady of Luxborough 1699-1756
Communicating about the past: Resource G
James Woodcock, 'Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their causal reasoning' in Teaching History 119: Language issue (June, 2005)
In this subtle article, James Woodcock experiments with introducing new vocabulary to a mixed-ability year 10 class working towards the enquiry question '"Hitler was not to...
Communicating about the past: Resource G
Concerns over future of teacher training 2014
The Facts
Increasing numbers of trainee teachers are entering the profession with little or no history-specific training.
Opportunities for graduates to increase subject knowledge alongside subject-based teaching practice in university centred school partnerships have been cut.
Our research shows that 90% of respondents agreed that all trainees should receive a...
Concerns over future of teacher training 2014
Teaching history through photographs in the internet and digital age
Primary History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated.
Images allow us to step back in time and ask important historical questions such as ‘Were the Victorians just like us?' Growing digitisation and the spread of the internet allow teachers and learners...
Teaching history through photographs in the internet and digital age
Think Bubble 49: Frozen moments
Primary History article
Whenever I look at an old sepia photograph or one of those amazing 19th century genre pictures like William Powell Frith's Ramsgate Sands, it is not the immediate images that grab my attention. Although the detail is often remarkable, in the case of Ramsgate Sands the attentive mother gently introducing...
Think Bubble 49: Frozen moments
Teaching History 131: Assessing Differently
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
02 Editorial
03 HA Secondary News
04 Speed cameras, dead ends, drivers and diversions: Year 9 use a ‘road map’ to problematise change and continuity – Rachel Foster (Read article)
09 The Holy Grail? GCSE History that actually enhances historical understanding! – Katie Hall (Read article)
17 ‘Create something interesting...
Teaching History 131: Assessing Differently
Helping pupils with Special Educational Needs to develop a lifelong curiosity for the past
Teaching History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated.
Pupils in England have an entitlement to study history or geography until the age of sixteen. However, increasingly, some pupils seem to be discouraged from taking up this opportunity as it can be seen as...
Helping pupils with Special Educational Needs to develop a lifelong curiosity for the past
Mobilising in the Shadows: How AKEL Survived and Thrived During Cyprus’ Colonial Crisis
Mobilising in the shadows: How AKEL survived and thrived during Cyprus’ colonial crisis
The story of the Progressive Party of the Working People (AKEL) during the colonial era in Cyprus colonial era is as much about survival as it is about resilience and reinvention. During the late 1950s, as Cyprus...
Mobilising in the Shadows: How AKEL Survived and Thrived During Cyprus’ Colonial Crisis
Doing history: The Old Poor Law in a Regency York Parish 1795–1847
Historian feature
In this regular feature called Doing History, history enthusiasts describe a piece of research they have undertaken and how it sheds light on aspects of local and national history. Here Steve Barrett shows how his exploration of archives in York provided interesting insights into the controversial issue of poor relief, with a focus...
Doing history: The Old Poor Law in a Regency York Parish 1795–1847
The Historian 164: Out now
The magazine of the Historical Association
Read The Historian 164: Ancient Worlds
A couple of generations ago an edition of a history publication on the theme of ancient worlds would probably just have included features on the Greeks and the Romans. It is now widely accepted that ancient history should have a broader focus, embracing developments in...
The Historian 164: Out now
Virtual Branch Recording: Crusader Criminals
The religious wars of the Crusades are renowned for their military engagements. But the period was witness to brutality beyond the battlefield. More so than any other medieval war zone, the Holy Land was rife with unprecedented levels of criminality and violence.
In the first history of its kind, Steve Tibble explores...
Virtual Branch Recording: Crusader Criminals
History 389
The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 110, Issue 389
All History journal articles are accessible with HA membership.
NB all links below go to the Wiley Online Library site and open in a new window or tab.
Access the full edition online
Invited Review: What's Next for Woman Suffrage? An Overview of the State of the Field (pp 4-23) – Kelly Marino...
History 389
State of the (Future) Field: The History of Collecting and Its Institutions
History journal blog
This blog post accompanies the authors' History journal article 'State of the (Future) Field: The History of Collecting and Its Institutions'.
On 24 November the Guardian reported that Bonhams, a London auction house, might be selling looted antiquities in a forthcoming sale. The claim was made by Dr Christos Tsirogiannis,...
State of the (Future) Field: The History of Collecting and Its Institutions
A medley of medieval resources
Love medieval history? Events, podcasts and more
Join the HA’s free Virtual Branch lecture series for a selection of medieval themes over winter and spring 2025 including:
Locating and mapping the Jews of medieval Lincoln
Dr Dean Irwin et al., 27 February 2025, 7.30pm As part of a project to identify and write biographies of all Jews...
A medley of medieval resources
The Historian 163: Out now
The magazine of the Historical Association
Read The Historian 163: Ukraine
The third year of Russia’s full-scale invasion into Ukraine is slowly drawing to a close, with no end to it in sight. Putin’s decision to send troops into Ukraine in hope of a quick capitulation was, however, only the last stage of a longer process...
The Historian 163: Out now
Primary History 98: Out now
Read Primary History 98
This edition goes to print when the post-election landscape in still hazy, especially regarding the role of history in the primary curriculum. We can remain optimistic that history will be a key part of a broad and balanced curriculum. As we patiently await future changes (it...
Primary History 98: Out now
Primary History 98
The primary education journal of the Historical Association
05 Editorial (Read article)
06 Who is in charge? – Helen Crawford and Karin Doull (Read article)
10 Building history connections with the local community: how one Quality Mark School showed that ambition reaps rewards – Rachael Gorczyca (Read article)
14 Musings and misconceptions about Remembrance Day – Susie Townsend...
Primary History 98
Photographs and Historians: Reflections on some Nazi Era Photos in U.S. Archives
History journal blog
I recently enjoyed what a historian would consider cut-up-the-rug fun; several days of research in the United States National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, MD and the Third Reich Collection in the Library of Congress.
In NARA’s reading room, I lost myself among open shelves containing dozens of...
Photographs and Historians: Reflections on some Nazi Era Photos in U.S. Archives