West Somerset Mineral Railway
The West Somerset Mineral Railway Project is run by a consortium of local and national partners under the leadership of the Exmoor National Park Authority. It received a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund in December 2007 for a programme scheduled for completion at the end of 2009. The project set...
West Somerset Mineral Railway
Jane Austen: a writer for all seasons
Irene Collins provides a fresh assessment of the life and work of one of this country’s greatest novelists, whose own wit and charm, combined with a deep insight into human nature, is reflected in her novels. Jane Austen was not the first woman novelist in England to achieve popularity and...
Jane Austen: a writer for all seasons
Maths and History - Cross Curricular Case Study
Case Study
Maths and Museums: Norwich Castle Museum Working with Key Stage 3 MathsFaye Kalloniatis (Museum Education Manager, Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service)The project, ‘Storming the Castle, challenged the idea that museums are not places where schools can extend their students' maths skills. On the contrary, the project demonstrated that museums can...
Maths and History - Cross Curricular Case Study
Museum Studies: A Critical Perspective
If you are interested in Museum Studies you should have a look at the UCL Handbook below which gives details and a reading list from their course: The Museum: Critical Perspectives.
Short description
This course aims to provide an introduction to the history and theory of museums. It does so...
Museum Studies: A Critical Perspective
The Handing Back of Hong Kong: 1945 and 1997
Andrew Whitfield examines the recovery of Hong Kong from the Japanese, 52 years before its return to China. As the clock ticks ever closer to midnight on 30 June 1997, the sun will set on Britain’s last major colonial outpost. Thousands of miles from the motherland, the colony originally acted...
The Handing Back of Hong Kong: 1945 and 1997
Council for British Archaeology Back Catalogue
Archaeology Publications
CBA Research Report Series
ISSN 0589-9036
Romano-British villas: some current problemsQuarto, 26pp, figures, no ISBN
out of printonline
The recording of architecture and its publicationCBA Medieval Research CommitteeQuarto, 3pp no ISBN
out of printonline
The investigation of smaller domestic buildingsCBA Post-Medieval Research CommitteeQuarto, 4pp,...
Council for British Archaeology Back Catalogue
Research Methods in Heritage, Museums & Galleries
Reading List
Reading List for those interested in research methods in heritage, museums and galleries from Newcastle University...
Essential Reading
Dicks, Bella, From Mine to Museum: The Evolution of Heritage in the Rhondda in Heritage, place, and community by Dicks, Bella University of Wales Press, 2000
Dicks, Bella, Heritage and Local Memory in...
Research Methods in Heritage, Museums & Galleries
Museum Education
Reading List
Museum Education Reading List provided by the Victoria and Albert Museum
Allen, D. A. 'Museums and Education.' Museums in Modern Life: Seven Papers Read Before the Royal Society of the Arts in March, April and May 1949, 86-106. London: RSA, 1949. NAL pressmark: 22.N.17
American Association of Museums. Excellence and...
Museum Education
Teaching Slavery
HA Guide
Please note: this guide was written in 2010 and some links may no longer work. For more recent guidance, see:
Teaching sensitive subjects: slavery and Britain’s role in the trade (2019)
Slavery in Britain (2013)
Sarah Forbes Bonetta - scheme of work (2015)
Diversity guidance for primary teachers and subject leaders (2019)
Teaching Slavery...
Teaching Slavery
Approaches to the History Curriculum: skills based curriculum
Briefing Pack
In 2010 many schools were adopting thematic or skills based curricula in England. This is one way of organising a curriculum. Some of the pros and cons of this approach are elaborated here.
There are an increasing number of schools now adopting a thematic or skills based curriculum for year...
Approaches to the History Curriculum: skills based curriculum
How do we ensure really good local history in primary schools?
Primary History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated.
Primary History regularly contains articles from teachers who have taken some aspect of their locality and turned it into a really good activity. Hundreds of OFSTED reports as well, comment on really good practice in...
How do we ensure really good local history in primary schools?
Archives and Record Management
Continuing Professional Development
The University of Manchester gives the following advice on courses, careers and funding:
The choice for post-graduate courses is much more limited for archives and records management compared to those available for libraries and information studies. The Society of Archivists recommends just six: University College London, University College Dublin,...
Archives and Record Management
Heritage Management & Education
Continuing Professional Development
1. Nottingham Trent University
MA/PGCert/PGDip Museum and Heritage Management
There is a need for multi-skilled, quality staff who combine a broad vision of the field in which they are working with practical expertise in the care and presentation of heritage. Their postgraduate heritage management courses combine the conceptual framework necessary...
Heritage Management & Education
Museum & Gallery Courses
Continuing Professional Development
Museum & Gallery Courses
Briefing Pack
The Council for British Archaeology have produced a guide to getting involved in archaeology.
Across the UK there are regional community groups undertaking practical field work; there are colleges and universities offering part-time courses – all of whom are keen to hear from you.
It doesn't matter where you live...
Family and Personal History
Briefing Pack
If you are interested in researching your family and personal history there are a number of very good sites online that can give you guidance.
1. BBC Family History
The BBC Family History site is a great place to start if you want to research your family history:
The Basics...
Family and Personal History
Briefing Pack
1. Local Archives
Local Archives Offices contain an enormous amount of information including Census records, newspapers and property records. They are a useful point of call when either verifying information found on the internet or conducting deeper research beyond what is available on the main sources of family history such...
Develop your career today!
Whatever your needs, the Historical Association offers history CPD suitable for you. Face to Face TrainingFace to Face training on one day events that range from courses that are packed with practical ideas to use immediately, full of cutting edge knowledge and pedagogy and enriched by online post-course support to...
Develop your career today!
The British Association for Local History (BALH)
History Network
The British Association for Local History is the national charity which promotes local history and serves local historians. Its purpose is to encourage and assist the study of local history as an academic discipline and as a rewarding leisure pursuit for both individuals and groups.
Local history enriches our lives...
The British Association for Local History (BALH)
The Migration of Indians to Guiana and Surinam
While migration from Europe to North America and elsewhere is well known, that from India is less familiar to Western readers. Ananda Dulal Sarkar provides an account of Indian migrants to the former British and Dutch Guianas. Within India, particularly during British rule, young and able-bodied males migrated hundreds of...
The Migration of Indians to Guiana and Surinam
'The end of all existence is debarred me': Disraeli's depression 1826-30
Historian article
During the years from 1826 to 1830 Benjamin Disraeli went through the slough of despond. His first major biographer,William Flavelle Monypenny, observed the ‘clouds of despondency which were now settling upon Disraeli's mind'. In his magisterial life of the great tory leader Robert Blake commented that ‘after completing Part II...
'The end of all existence is debarred me': Disraeli's depression 1826-30
Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their casual reasoning
Teaching History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated.
Does new vocabulary help students to express existing ideas for which they do not yet have words or does it actually give them new ideas which they did not previously hold? James Woodcock asks whether...
Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their casual reasoning
Archaeology - An approach to teaching history at Key Stage 2. Curriculum history
Primary History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum.
Alongside modern University buildings, at Beckett Park, (part of Leeds Metropolitan University), there is evidence of a monastic grange, a seventeenth century farmhouse, and an eighteenth century mansion which was extended in Victorian Times. The Beckett Park Archaeology Project was established in...
Archaeology - An approach to teaching history at Key Stage 2. Curriculum history
Teaching History 53
Editorial 2
News 3
Multiculturalism and the Lower School History Syllabus: Towards a Practical Approach. - Paul Goalen 8
Using Audio-Visual Media with Slow Learners: A New Approach in History - Keith Hodgkinson 17
New History and Media Education - Derek McKiernan 20
Local History Studies in the Classroom...
Teaching History 53
Key Concepts
Please note: these links were compiled in 2009. For a more recent resource, please see: What's the Wisdom on: Causation.
These Teaching History Articles on 'Causation' are highly recommended reading to those who would like to get to grips with this key concept:
1. Move Me On 92. Problem page for history mentors. Teaching...