The Historian 135: Revolution
The magazine of the Historical Association
4 Reviews
5 Editorial (Read article)
6 The German Revolution of 1918-19: war and breaking point – Simon Constantine (Read article)
12 Steering the ship of state into port or, ending the French Revolution, 1789-1802 – Malcolm Crook (Read article)
19 The President’s Column
20 The Russian Revolution 100 years on:...
The Historian 135: Revolution
The Origins of the French Revolution
The French Revolution
In this podcast Emeritus Professor William Doyle of the University of Bristol looks at the origins of the French Revolution.
The Origins of the French Revolution
‘The cradle of the Industrial Revolution’
Historian article
Michael Winstanley challenges assumptions about Lancashire's new industrial landscape, inviting us to re-imagine what Manchester and the country around it looked like.
Lancashire, especially the cotton textile district to the east of the county, is widely regarded as the ‘cradle of the industrial evolution’. But what did this burgeoning industrial landscape actually look like in the early nineteenth century?...
‘The cradle of the Industrial Revolution’
Film: Lenin and the 1917 Revolutions
Film Series: Power and authority in Russia and the Soviet Union
You wait a lifetime for a revolution and then two come along at once! Such was 1917 in Russia. As the world seemed in chaos and Russia and the Russian people began to collapse, Lenin and the Bolsheviks saw their opportunity and overthrew the government to create the first communist...
Film: Lenin and the 1917 Revolutions
Age of Revolutions Resources
The Age of Revolutions is a period in history between c.1775-1848. Over the course of these years, society underwent a series of revolutions in almost all theatres of life: political, war, social and cultural, and economic and technological. Revolutionary ideas and revolutionary actions swept across the world, and historians still discuss and...
Age of Revolutions Resources
Podcast Series: The Age of Revolutions
Multipage Article
This podcast series was commissioned as part of the HA’s education programme on the Age of Revolutions period, funded by the Age of Revolution legacy project. They were recorded with leading academic historians and are intended to shed light on a variety of perspectives on the period.
These podcasts were...
Podcast Series: The Age of Revolutions
Britain in the Age of Revolutions
Video podcast series by History Hub, Royal Holloway, University of London
In this series of videos, produced by Royal Holloway, University of London, staff and students explore British responses to the American and French Revolutions. This playlist includes videos looking at the origins of the American Revolution; specific questions like ‘Why didn’t French-Canadians join the revolution?; and actor readings of key...
Britain in the Age of Revolutions
The German Revolution 1918-19
Classic Pamphlet
Like other revolutions the German revolution of November 1918 was a product of different causes, some of which formed part of the events immediately preceding it, while other belonged to the less recent past. The revolution began as the improvised revolt of an exhausted and disillusioned population against an authoritarian...
The German Revolution 1918-19
Radical Protest in the Nineteenth Century
Video podcast series by History Hub, Royal Holloway, University of London
In this series of videos, produced by Royal Holloway, University of London, staff and students explore the history of radicalism in the nineteenth century, including the Spa Fields Riots, the Pentrich Uprising, Luddism, the Swing Riots and the March of the Blanketeers. The playlist also provides an overview of key...
Radical Protest in the Nineteenth Century
Primary Teacher Fellowship Programme: Teaching the Age of Revolutions
Teacher Fellowship Programme 2018
The 2018 Teacher Fellowship Programme was the first to include a dedicated strand for primary teaching, led by Karin Doull. It looked at developing teaching of the Age of Revolutions (1755-1848) and was fully funded by the Age of Revolution education legacy project. It focused on improving the teaching of...
Primary Teacher Fellowship Programme: Teaching the Age of Revolutions
Teacher Fellowship Programme: Teaching the Age of Revolutions
Teacher Fellowship Programme 2018
The 2018 Teacher Fellowship Programme looked at developing teaching of the Age of Revolutions (1755-1848) and was fully funded by the Age of Revolution education legacy project. It focused on embedding the teaching of late eighteenth and early nineteenth century history in UK schools through the development of teacher subject knowledge and subject...
Teacher Fellowship Programme: Teaching the Age of Revolutions
Polychronicon 165: The 1917 revolutions in 2017: 100 years on
Teaching History feature
The interpretive and empirical frameworks utilised by scholars in their quest to understand the Russian revolutions have evolved and transformed over 100 years. The opening of archives after the collapse of the Soviet Union enabled access to a swathe of new primary sources, some of which have had a transformative...
Polychronicon 165: The 1917 revolutions in 2017: 100 years on
Facing the Revolution: the other Americans
Historian article
The American Revolution presented all who lived through it with difficult choices about allegiance, identity, and self-interest. The responses of American loyalists, enslaved people, and Native Americans reveal much about the country’s revolutionary foundation and the United States of today.
The American Revolution was at once universal and narrowly nationalistic....
Facing the Revolution: the other Americans
Sweden’s forgotten revolution
Historian article
People are sometimes surprised to learn that for much of the seventeenth and early eighteenth century, Sweden was one of Europe’s great powers. The revolution that transformed Swedish government following the death of Karl XII at the end of the Great Northern War is still less widely-known. But though largely carried...
Sweden’s forgotten revolution
Germany after the 1848 Revolutions
Beyond the Barricades
In this podcast Dr Anna Ross analyzes the long-term impact of the 1848 Revolutions. Though the revoking of many constitutions at the time has caused the period to be viewed as a loss for liberal ideology, Ross discusses how these actions could be viewed as beneficial. Despite the constitutional rollback, government action...
Germany after the 1848 Revolutions
The Russian Revolution 100 years on: a view from below
Historian article
Sarah Badcock sheds light on how ordinary Russians responded to the revolutions of 1917 that sought to change their lot and bring them freedom.
The Russian Revolution 100 years on: a view from below
Bring on the iPad revolution
Primary History case study
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum.
The opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic games celebrated change whilst demonstrating the challenges revolutions have on the world. From green pastures to belching chimneystacks, from post-war Britain to the World Wide Internet and text messaging, the way society interacts is...
Bring on the iPad revolution
Steve Biko and the Soweto Revolt (uprising)
In 1968 a 22-year-old medical student walked out of the conference for the National Union for South African students. Steve Biko was enraged that Black students at the supposedly anti-apartheid organisation were sleeping in separate dormitories from whites at the conference. Biko formed self-empowerment groups, which were more Black-focused and...
Steve Biko and the Soweto Revolt (uprising)
After the revolution: did Cromwell, Washington and Bonaparte betray revolutionary principles?
Historian article
This article examines the aftermath of three epoch-making periods of change – the English, American, and French Revolutions. A comparison of the trio of military commanders who gained power as a direct consequence of these upheavals reveals how the very political radicalism which brought them to power also threatened to...
After the revolution: did Cromwell, Washington and Bonaparte betray revolutionary principles?
Ending the French Revolution
Historian article
Malcolm Crook discusses why it was so difficult to end the most famous revolution of the eighteenth century and why it led to bloodshed and absolutism.
Ending the French Revolution
The German Revolution of 1918-19
Historian article
Simon Constantine examines the clashes between the Left and Right of Germany’s new Republic that helped to create the environment for future extremism and hatred.
The German Revolution of 1918-19
Between the Revolutions: Russia 1905 to 1917
Classic Pamphlet
"The key question is this - is the peaceful renovation of the country possible? Or is it possible only by internal revolution?"This quotation succintly expresses the problem that faced both contemporaries and subsequant generations of historians confronting the development of Russia between the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. The upheavals...
Between the Revolutions: Russia 1905 to 1917
The digital revolution
Primary History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum.
Developments in information technology continue at an extraordinary pace. Many young children will have little or no idea of what it was like to live in a world without mobile phones, computers and the Internet.
Most children will regularly make use...
The digital revolution
Film: Lenin, the 1905 Russian Revolution and WWI
Film Series: Power and authority in Russia and the Soviet Union
The founders of Communism, Marx and Engels, had created a set of social structures and industrial developments that were believed necessary for Communism to be achieved. Imperial Russia did not fit these conditions and yet at the start of the twentieth century Russian revolutionaries were some of the most active...
Film: Lenin, the 1905 Russian Revolution and WWI
Peterloo August 1819: the English Uprising
Historian article
Robert Poole, historical consultant to the ‘Peterloo 200’ commemorations in and around Manchester over the summer, explores the latest research into those tragic events of August 1819 and their significance in the road to democracy.
On Monday 16 August 1819 troops under the authority of the Lancashire and Cheshire magistrates...
Peterloo August 1819: the English Uprising