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  • Polychronicon 120: interpretations of popular music

    Polychronicon is a regular feature helping school history teachers to update their subject knowledge, with special emphasis on recent historiography and changing interpretation. This edition focuses on the interpretations of popular music.
    Polychronicon 120: interpretations of popular music
  • Interpretations of History: Issues for Teachers in the Development of Pupils' Understanding

    This article is based on collaborative work between staff at a University department of educational studies and a comprehensive school. Ian Davies and Rob Williams reviews the status and meaning of interpretations in history education and draws from work undertaken with students following an initial teacher education course in History,...
    Interpretations of History: Issues for Teachers in the Development of Pupils' Understanding
  • Polychronicon 118: interpretations of Henry VII

    Polychronicon was a fourteenth-century chronicle that brought together much of the knowledge of its own age. Our Polychronicon in Teaching History is a regular feature helping school history teachers to update their subject knowledge, with special emphasis on recent historiography and changing interpretation. This edition of 'Polychronicon' explores the historical...
    Polychronicon 118: interpretations of Henry VII
  • Triumphs Show: ‘The Strands of Memory’

      Teaching History feature
    In 2014, a group of French pupils from Lycée Léopold Sédar Senghor in Évreux was due to meet a British Second World War veteran, Eric Rackham, to hear him talk about his war experiences. Sadly, he passed away before the planned meeting. Paradoxically, this failed meeting led to the development...
    Triumphs Show: ‘The Strands of Memory’
  • Cunning Plan 135: challenging generalisations

      Teaching History feature
    Let's play ‘TOO SIMPLE!' (a.k.a. ‘the generalisation game'). Some years ago, in my own history classroom, in a not-very-inspired moment, I developed a straightforward, low-resource, low-preparation activity which turned out to have more power than I had anticipated in getting pupils to reflect on degree or type of similarity and...
    Cunning Plan 135: challenging generalisations
  • Polychronicon 117: interpretations of Douglas Haig

    Polychronicon was a fourteenth-century chronicle that brought together much of the knowledge of its own age. Our Polychronicon in Teaching History is a regular feature helping school history teachers to update their subject knowledge, with special emphasis on recent historiography and changing interpretation. This edition of 'Polychronicon' considers the historical...
    Polychronicon 117: interpretations of Douglas Haig
  • ‘They took Ireland away from us and we’ve got to fight to get it back’. Using fictional characters to explore the relationship between historical interpretation and contemporary attitudes

    Helping students to understand how and why people in the present interpret the past differently is a challenge. It is also vital if we are to develop an understanding of why the meanings we ascribe to the past are not fixed, but rather are subject to our own prejudices or...
    ‘They took Ireland away from us and we’ve got to fight to get it back’. Using fictional characters to explore the relationship between historical interpretation and contemporary attitudes
  • Polychronicon 114: interpretations of Oliver Cromwell

    Polychronicon was a fourteenth-century chronicle that brought together much of the knowledge of its own age. Our Polychronicon in Teaching History is a regular feature helping school history teachers to update their subject knowledge, with special emphasis on recent historiography and changing interpretation. This edition of 'Polychronicon' investigates the differing...
    Polychronicon 114: interpretations of Oliver Cromwell
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the impact of the English Reformation

      Teaching History feature
    Since the first stirrings of religious reform in the sixteenth century, people have been writing the history of the Reformation, debating what happened and why it happened. John Foxe arguably became the first historian of the English Reformation when he published Actes and Monuments in 1563. Better known as ‘The...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the impact of the English Reformation
  • Move Me On 105: Teaching historical interpretations

      The problem page for history mentors
    This Issue's Problem: Charles Marks, PGCE history student, is very confused about teaching historical interpretations.
    Move Me On 105: Teaching historical interpretations
  • How do you construct an historical claim?

      Teaching History article
    While preparing her Year 12 students for an International Baccalaureate paper on early Islam, Kirstie Murray became concerned that students' weaknesses in making claims would be particularly exposed by the challenging complexity of this topic's source record and its contested historiography. Drawing on the practice of other history teachers, especially...
    How do you construct an historical claim?
  • Using databases to explore the real depth in the data

      Teaching History article
    Is it a good thing to have a lot of evidence? Surely the historian would answer that yes, it is: the more evidence that can be used, the better. The problem with this approach, though, is that too much data can be overwhelming for the history student - and, in...
    Using databases to explore the real depth in the data
  • Triumphs Show 160: Prezi and propaganda

      Teaching History feature: celebrating and sharing success
    Laura Tilley recognised that her Year 9 students were finding it difficult to work out the intended message of visual propaganda. To help her students make better use of the substantive knowledge they already had, she devised an interactive activity using a presentation software, Prezi. This approach provided students with...
    Triumphs Show 160: Prezi and propaganda
  • Move Me On 160: getting caught up in interesting digressions and complexity

      The problem page for history mentors
    Phil Nevers is so interested in the history that he's teaching that he gets caught up in fascinating digressions or overwhelms the students with complexity. Phil Nevers is a passionate historian with high ambitions for the students that he is teaching. He reads widely and is deeply committed to the...
    Move Me On 160: getting caught up in interesting digressions and complexity
  • Polychronicon 158: Reinterpreting Napoleon

    On 18 June 2015, the two-hundredth anniversary of the great battle of Waterloo will be commemorated in Britain and on the continent (though not in France). It will represent the climax of the Napoleonic bicentenary, which has been in full flow since the turn of the twenty-first century. Fresh biographies...
    Polychronicon 158: Reinterpreting Napoleon
  • Enabling Year 7 to write essays on Magna Carta

    Setting out to teach Magna Carta to the full attainment range in Year 7, Mark King decided to choose a question that reflected real scholarly debates and also to ensure that pupils held enough knowledge in long-term memory to be able to think about that question meaningfully. As he gradually prepared his pupils to produce their own causation arguments in response to that question, King was startled by...
    Enabling Year 7 to write essays on Magna Carta
  • New, Novice or Nervous? 159: Writing history essays

    Until the 1990s, it was unusual for the majority of England's secondary school students to write history essays. The traditional essay was a staple of the old History O Level examinations, but fewer than 20% of pupils did these history exams. In the 1980s, various history teachers became increasingly concerned...
    New, Novice or Nervous? 159: Writing history essays
  • Polychronicon 159: Interpreting Magna Carta

    First some history: the question of how historiographic and public historical representations of Magna Carta have changed over the last 800 years is an important one. The ‘myth' of Magna Carta as a foundational document for modern democracy is still very powerful. That tradition of understanding the legacy and history...
    Polychronicon 159: Interpreting Magna Carta
  • Cunning Plan 159: Was King John unlucky with his Barons?

    Typical teaching of King John and Magna Carta focuses either on the weakness of John or the importance (as Whig historians would see it) of Magna Carta. The first question is a bit boring and the second discussion unhistorical. This enquiry sequence is designed for students aged 11 to 13. It...
    Cunning Plan 159: Was King John unlucky with his Barons?
  • Triumphs Show 159: teaching paragraph construction

    My adventures in dancing in the classroom started back in the autumn term. I was working with a group of Year 8 students looking at interpretations of King John and we were selecting and analysing quotations from historians as part of the enquiry question ‘Was King John really so bad?' My students were struggling with...
    Triumphs Show 159: teaching paragraph construction
  • Asses, archers and assumptions: strategies for improving thinking skills in history in Years 9 to 13

    Thinking skills’ is a term that has been substantially over-used. It often seems to be rather a lazy shorthand for justifying the teaching of history by suddenly bolting on some ‘thinking’ - as if history is not all about thought in the first place. Arthur Chapman suggests using techniques from...
    Asses, archers and assumptions: strategies for improving thinking skills in history in Years 9 to 13
  • Historical Perspective & 'Big History'

    Moving forward, looking back - historical perspective, ‘Big History' and the return of the longue durée: time to develop our scale hopping muscles ‘Big history' is a term receiving a great deal of attention at present, particularly in North America where considerable sums of money have been invested in designing curricula...
    Historical Perspective & 'Big History'
  • Finding the place of substantive knowledge in history

    ‘What exactly is parliament?' finding the place of substantive knowledge in history The relationship between knowledge and literacy is a central concern for all teachers. In his teaching, Palek noted that his students were struggling to understand complex substantive concepts such as ‘parliament' and decided to explore the relationship between students'...
    Finding the place of substantive knowledge in history
  • Developing transferable knowledge at A-level

    From a compartmentalised to a complicated past: developing transferable knowledge at A-level Students find it difficult to join up the different things they study into a complex account of the past. Examination specifications do not necessarily help with this because of the way in which history is divided up into...
    Developing transferable knowledge at A-level
  • Pedagogical framework for stimulating historical contextualisation

    'Why am I accused of being a heretic?' A pedagogical framework for stimulating historical contextualisation One of the challenges facing students who want to make sense of a source or an interpretation of the past is the need to place it in its context. Various research studies have shown that students...
    Pedagogical framework for stimulating historical contextualisation