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  • Anne Herbert: A life in the Wars of the Roses

    May I introduce you to Anne Herbert, Countess of Pembroke? I'm very fond of this modern imagined portrait by Graham Turner, partly because of the colour and detail but chiefly because it conveys a respect for the people who lived in the past and especially for Anne herself. My interest...
    Anne Herbert: A life in the Wars of the Roses
  • The Unfortunate Captain Peirce

    An apprentice biographer researches the career of an eighteenth-century sea captain On a cold January afternoon in 1986, my neighbour announced that he intended to go to Dorset's Purbeck coast that night. Puzzled, I asked why. He explained it was the 200th anniversary of the wreck of the East Indiaman,...
    The Unfortunate Captain Peirce
  • Each man's life was worth 1sh 1d 1/2d!

    Alf Wilkinson explores Britain's biggest coal mining disaster, at Senghenydd Colliery, in South Wales, in October 1913. At ten past eight in the morning of Tuesday 14 October 1913, just after 900 men had started work underground, an explosion ripped through Senghenydd Colliery, near Caerphilly, killing 439 miners and, later...
    Each man's life was worth 1sh 1d 1/2d!
  • The Yeomanry, 1913

    The Territorial Force, as formed in 1908, had 54 cavalry regiments organised in 14 brigades and known collectively as the Yeomanry. This meant that the Yeomanry consisted of 1,168 officers and 23,049 other ranks in September 1913 out of a Territorial Force which numbered 9,390 officers and 236,389 other ranks....
    The Yeomanry, 1913
  • Round About A Pound A Week

    In this edition, we begin a new occasional feature, where we explore a classic text that had a major impact both at the time it was published, and since. Alf Wilkinson discusses a book first published in 1913, and still in print, and explains why he thinks it is as...
    Round About A Pound A Week
  • The world in 1913: friendly societies

    Friendly societies were designed to help members to cope with the illness, death or unemployment of a household's breadwinner. Each month members, mostly men, paid into the society, often at a meeting in a pub and in return payments from the pooled funds were made to ill members and to...
    The world in 1913: friendly societies
  • Taking tea with Frau von Papen

    The Weimar Republic in its last days as seen and remembered by a five-year-old English boy. A long-standing member of the Historical Association remembers an experience from eighty years ago. As Mrs Merkel is well aware, the fear of inflation is deeply embedded in the German folk memory. Eighty years...
    Taking tea with Frau von Papen
  • It's Murder On The Orient Express

    It was the most luxurious long distance rail journey in the history of travel. Royalty, aristocracy, the rich and the famous travelled regularly on the Orient Express. Gourmet chefs prepared exquisite meals, chandeliers, luxury compartments, staterooms and dining rooms on a par with famous hotels like the Ritz were all...
    It's Murder On The Orient Express
  • History Painting in England: Benjamin West, Philip James de Loutherbourg, J.M.W. Turner

    History Painting is defined in Grove's Dictionary of Art as the ‘depiction of several persons engaged in an important or memorable action, usually taken from a written source.' Though History Painters as important as Rubens and Van Dyke worked - in Van Dyke's case for nine years - in England,...
    History Painting in England: Benjamin West, Philip James de Loutherbourg, J.M.W. Turner
  • Historical Fiction: warts and all

    The perception is that, for historical fiction, this is the best of times. It has never been more popular: witness the 2012 Christmas day schedule-jostling between Downton Abbey and Call the Midwife. It has never been more literary: witness Hilary Mantel winning her second Man Booker prize for Bring Up the...
    Historical Fiction: warts and all
  • Capone's lost lair: The Lexington Hotel, Chicago

    Alphonse Gabriel Capone's bequest to history is a well-known catalogue of brutal racketeering, bootlegging, gangland murders (most infamously the St Valentine's Day Massacre of 14 February 1929) and the corruption of both American public morals and her elected officials, including the US Judiciary, Chicago mayoralty and city police force. Born...
    Capone's lost lair: The Lexington Hotel, Chicago
  • 'Women and Children first!' a lost tale of Empire and Heroism

    In January 1852, under the command of Captain Robert Salmond, HMS Birkenhead left Portsmouth carrying troops and officers' wives and families from ten different regiments. Most were from the 73rd Regiment of Foot, and were on their way to South Africa to fight the Xhosa in the 8th Kaffir War (1850-1853),...
    'Women and Children first!' a lost tale of Empire and Heroism
  • Antarctica 100 years on from Captain Scott

    No longer "A Pole Apart": Antarctica 100 years on from Captain Scott At last on 12 November 1912 the search party found the tent almost totally buried in snow. According to Thomas Williamson: ‘Mr Wright came towards us, and said it was the Polar Party ... it was a great blow...
    Antarctica 100 years on from Captain Scott
  • TV: modern father of history?

    Bettany Hughes Norton Medlicott Medal Winner Lecture In 1991 I travelled to the BBC for a meeting with a senior television producer. It seemed to me that history just wasn't getting a fair crack of the whip. I talked animatedly about the on-screen discoveries that could be made and the...
    TV: modern father of history?
  • The Mechanical Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain is often described as the point at which the Nazi threat began to diminish and cracks began to form in Hitler's regime. The air campaign launched by the Germans in the summer of 1940 intended to wipe out the existence of the British Royal Air Force...
    The Mechanical Battle of Britain
  • An Intimate History of Your Home - Lucy Worsley

      Historian Article
    ‘You've gone over to The Dark Side'. These were the words of a well-respected historian to whom I'd been enthusing about the pleasures and perils of Dressing Up. During 2009-10 I spent several months in historic costume, recreating the habits and rituals of domestic life in the past. It was...
    An Intimate History of Your Home - Lucy Worsley
  • John Wilkes 1725-1797: A Man of Principle

    For Lord North in 1775, one John Wilkes was enough, ‘though ... to do him justice, it was not easy to find many such'. The impact of Wilkes between 1760 and 1780 was profound, a cause as much as a person. For Philip Francis, thought to be the satirist ‘Junius',...
    John Wilkes 1725-1797: A Man of Principle
  • Bonnie Prince Charlie: The escape of the Prince in 1746

    Thirty thousand pounds was an enormous sum of money in 1746. That was the reward offered by the British government for the capture of Prince Charles. Many Highlanders knew where he was at various times and places after Culloden, but they did not betray him. As one of his helpers...
    Bonnie Prince Charlie: The escape of the Prince in 1746
  • Medieval 'Signs and Marvels'

    Medieval ‘Signs and Marvels': insights into medieval ideas about nature and the cosmic order. Many aspects of life in the Middle Ages puzzle the modern reader but some are stranger than others. What can possibly explain an event reported from Orford Castle, in Suffolk? This is an amazing tale and...
    Medieval 'Signs and Marvels'
  • The Miraculous Crusade: The Role of the Mystical and Miraculous in the Morale and Motivation of the First Crusade

    The First Crusade may be considered the only really successful crusade in that it achieved its stated goal, but it demanded great courage and stamina of its participants in their journey to the Holy City of Jerusalem, fighting their way through an unforgiving hostile territory. But courage and stamina by...
    The Miraculous Crusade: The Role of the Mystical and Miraculous in the Morale and Motivation of the First Crusade
  • Charles Gilpin

    Family Background and Early Life Charles Gilpin was born in Bristol in 1815, the son of James Gilpin, a Quaker draper, and Mary Gilpin nee Sturge. The Sturges were a notable Quaker Liberal family, active in the campaign against slavery. Their relatives included the Darbys of Coalbrookdale. Charles Gilpin was...
    Charles Gilpin
  • Occult and Witches

    Occult and Witches: Some Dramatic and Real Practitioners of the Occult in the Elizabethan and Jacobean Periods One purpose of this paper is to show a correspondence between real-life Elizabethan and Jacobean practitioners of the occult and the depiction of their theatrical counterparts, with particular reference to perceived differences between,...
    Occult and Witches
  • Recorded Webinar: Female slave-ownership in 18th and 19 century Britain

    Recorded Webinar: Female slave-ownership in 18th and 19 century Britain
  • Recorded Webinar: Our Human Planet

    Recorded Webinar: Our Human Planet
  • Polychronicon 138: The Civil Rights Movement

    "He was The One, The Hero, The One Fearless Person for whom we had waited. I hadn't even realized before that we had been waiting for Martin Luther King, Jr, but we had." So spoke the novelist Alice Walker in 1972, looking back on her teenage years. And so wrote...
    Polychronicon 138: The Civil Rights Movement