Britain & Ireland
The Tudors continue to fascinate and some of their story is told here along with the other dynasty of the period the Stuarts. Alongside those resources are the podcasts on the ideas that transformed British society during that period and created a United Kingdom for the first time. The industrial revolution is explored through poetry as well as technology. Religious collapse, change and diversity are all themes explored in this section. Read more
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The first trans-Atlantic hero? General James Wolfe and British North America
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'Right well kept': Peterborough Abbey 1536-1539
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Mr Adams' Free Grammar School
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The Casket Letters
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John Wesley at 300
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Recycling the Monastic building: The Dissolution in Southern England
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John Knox and womankind: a reappraisal
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Religion and Science in the Eighteenth Century
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The Irish historians' role and the place of history in Irish national life
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Joseph Priestley's American Dream
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'The Mouth of Hell': Religious Discord at Brailes, Warwickshire, C.1660-c.1800
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The Reign of Edward VI: An Historiographical Survey
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The 1650s
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Why did People Choose Sides in the English Civil War?
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Sir William Petty: Scientist, Economist, Inventor, 1623-1687
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The Pilgrimage of Grace: Reactions, Responses and Revisions
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Travelling the Seventeenth-Century English Economy: Rediscovery of Celia Fiennes
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The Spanish Armada of...1597?
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Elizabeth I
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The Eighteenth Century in Britain: Long or Short?
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