Commonwealth 2018 Classroom Education pack
Free teacher resource from the Department of Education

The Department for Education has recently published its Commonwealth 2018 Classroom Education pack.
The free resource has been designed in collaboration with the British Council and Commonwealth Secretariat, the pack contains four classroom-based activities themed around the Commonwealth and has been designed to help pupils deepen their understanding of the world around them through history and development of the Commonwealth.
The materials contained in the pack can be used as ideas for assemblies and form time, as lesson starters or combined as part of a more comprehensive lesson. The activities support a range of different subjects in the curriculum including Geography, History, PSHE and Citizenship and include quizzes, worksheets and lesson starters designed to support pupils across a range of national curriculum aims.
The activity on the Great Women of the Commonwealth, in particular, has been designed to support teachers in developing their pupils’ knowledge and understanding of significant aspects of history of the wider world.
Download the pack free of charge from the Times Educational Supplement (TES) website