Pride: 50 years

50th anniversary of the first UK Pride March
1 July is the 50th anniversary of the first Pride March in the UK. Pride was chosen to be the Saturday closest to the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots of 1969. Starting life as a small event, Pride is now an annual part of the London calendar and there are similar marches all across the UK and around the world.
It is no longer just a minority group demonstrating the right to equality: Pride is now a celebration of diversity and sexual openness, even when discrimination still exists. Having rights in law doesn’t prevent prejudice from building as we have seen in recent news events, thus Pride is just as important now as it was 50 years ago. Here at the HA we are excited to say Happy Birthday Pride and if you don’t understand why it is so important or you just want to know more here are some of our resources that explain the long history for the right to civil equality for all.
- Historian 136: 1967 – Year of change
- Podcast series: British LGBTQ+ history - 1800 to the present
- Primary History article: 50th anniversary of the UK’s first official Pride march: 1 July 2022
- Real Lives: Harry Daley - the extraordinary policeman
- Virtual Branch film: “The Talk Should Not Be Broadcast”: Homosexuality and the BBC before 1967