Curriculum Review Update 2011

Review Panel Publishes Report
On 19th December 2011 the curriculum review panel published its report and recommendations concerning the current National Curriculum and provision. The government will respond to the report in the next month.
The panel made some interesting recommendations affecting history provision under the National Curriculum which are summarised below. The Historical Association is preparing a paper on history in the curriculum which will be available for consultation later in the spring.
Key Report Recommendations:
1.) No major structural change to the current NC legislation - review will work within it
2.) Possible changes to Key Stage 2 - split in half
3.) Possible changes to Key Stage 3 - slim down to 2 years
4.) History to remain a foundation subject at KS1, 2 and 3 with slimmed down programme of study and little or no attainment target
5.) History to become statutory at Key Stage 4. The panel agrees that there should be a broad range of subjects studied at Key Stage 4 and that the English Baccalaureate alone will not do this. Therefore panel recommends that History, Geography, PE, The Arts and Modern Foreign Language are statutory.