An interview with outgoing president Jackie Eales 2014

An au revoir but not goodbye from outgoing HA President Professor Jackie Eales
Jackie Eales has been an enthusiastic President for the last three years who has been very happy to visit many of the branches to give lectures and to assist in key HA events. Jackie's lectures at the HA annual conference have been hugely popular as have her branch talks.
At the annual conference in Stratford upon Avon, we caught Jackie for a final interview in her role as President. She told us about when she first encountered the HA, what led her to become an historian and what has been her greatest achievement at the HA. Crucially she also gave us a brief insight into her next piece of research and writing - its detection!
We wish Jackie the very best as she returns to her day job as Professor of Early Modern History at Canterbury Christ Church University. There her research interests have focused on Puritanism and the Parliamentarian Party and she has also published widely on Kent during the Civil War. However, it's not goodbye as she is now part of the editorial board for the HA journal - so it is only au revoir Jackie.
Click here to watch the interview...