Historical Association Secondary Survey 2017
Take Part Now

The Historical Association secondary survey has been successfully conducted since 2009. We use the information you provide each year to make sure that the HA has an up-to-date picture of experiences across the country and can reflect the views of its members in responding (for example) to government consultations and in campaigning for necessary resources.
This year we're obviously keen to find out about your experiences of the new A-level courses - and the way in which the AS/A2 split has affected numbers taking the subject. We also want to find out about your experience with the new GCSE - and any ways in which your school may have begun changing Key Stage 3 to provide a better foundation for it.
We are also very aware of the acute financial pressures that schools may be facing because of changes to the funding formula - and want to monitor their impact on the number of specialists/non-specialists who are teaching history and on their access to relevant CPD. Getting a clear picture of exactly what is happening to school history enables us to represent your views and respond to your needs as effectively as possible.
Some questions that we ask are exactly the same as in previous years. This is vital as it allows the HA to show how patterns of history uptake change over time and to highlight both the intended and the unintended consequences of particular reform initiatives.
Please take just a few minutes to complete the survey and remember, you do not have to be a member of the HA to take part, so please let colleagues in other schools know about the survey.
All responses will be entered into a prize draw for one lucky respondent chosen at random to win £100 of M&S vouchers.
Thank you for taking part. The survey closes on Friday 21 July