
Our 45 branches across the country each put on around 10 lectures a year, on all aspects and periods of history. To find out what’s going on at a branch near you see our Branch programmes pages, or you can view all Branch events in our calendar.

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  • Your HA Virtual Branch

    News Item

    The HA Virtual Branch is a great way to keep your history up-to-date, whether you are working or relaxing, all from the comfort of your home. The Virtual Branch is free and open to everybody, and recordings of the talks are made available online after the event for HA members....

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  • Historian events calendar - Spring 2025

    27th March 2024

    One of the HA’s aims is to bring you accessible and enjoyable history wherever you are based and whatever amount of time you have to dedicate to it. That's why we work to put together a regular programme of events with a variety of formats and delivery. You might prefer the social element of...

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  • Poet, Mystic, Widow, Wife - lives of medieval women

    18th March 2025

    What was life really like for women in the medieval period? How did they think about sex, death and God? Could they live independent lives? Few women had the luxury of writing down their thoughts and feelings during medieval times. But remarkably, there are at least four who did: Marie...

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  • Locating and Mapping the Jews of Medieval Lincoln

    27th February 2025

    As part of a project to identify and write biographies of all of the Jews of the medieval Lincoln Jewry, Natasha Jenman, Luka Liu, and Josh Outhwaite have been working on records of Jewish property ownership in the city across the thirteenth century. This allows them to identify those individuals...

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  • Virtual Branch Recording: The House of Dudley


    The Dudleys thrived at the court of Henry VII, but were sacrificed to the popularity of Henry VIII. Rising to prominence in the reign of Edward VI, the Dudleys lost it all by advancing Jane Grey to the throne over Mary I. That was until the reign of Elizabeth I,...

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