The Historian 128: The Sykes-Picot agreement
The magazine of the Historical Association

Lines in the sand
4 Reviews
5 Editorial
6 A precious jewel: English Calais, 1347-1558 - Dan Spencer (Read article)
11 The President's Column
12 Britain: the regional battlefields that helped to create a nation - Geoffrey Carter (Read article)
17 St Peter's-ad-murum, Bradwelljuxta-Mare - Marie Paterson (Read article)
18 The Sykes-Picot agreement and lines in the sand - Paula Kitching (Read article)
24 Women in British coal mining - Chris Wrigley (Read article)
32 My Favourite History Place: Mandala House - Joe Wilkinson (Read article)
33 William Shakespeare in ten tweets - Paula Kitching
34 Out and About in Tamworth - Trevor James (Read article)
38 Historical Association Tours
40 A Zeppelin VC remembered - Ronan Thomas (Read article)
42 First Zeppelin shot down over Britain - 2-3 September 1916 - Alf Wilkinson (Read article)
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